Page 39 of Heart of Lies
“We believe the circles are weak points that the assassins are trying to target,”
Harrison kept trying.
“Are we correct?”
Harrison folded up the parchment and gave it back to me. I put it back in my pocket. Then he smiled.
“Daniel, they’re just circles. They’re me
I stood up and faced him.
Standing up he said, “Daniel, were you always going to come here to check these with me?”
I’m not sure if I understood the question but I nodded.
“If I was Ares, I would make sure I left some plans that would make someone come to the engineering department,”
“Your point?”
Instead of talking, Harrison grabbed my arm and we started to walk away. He walked up along two rows of red and black carriages.
“I think it’s a trap. I didn’t think too much but the door was unlocked when I came in. I always lock it before I leave at night,”
As soon as the words left his beautiful mouth, ten black cloaked men and women stepped out from behind the carriages. They got out their swords.
No crossbows.
I placed my arm protectively in front of Harrison.
“Your Queen is dead. Your Kingdom will fall. Ares will rise to power,” one of the cloaked men said.
“I may not know who you are, but I know your friends have died by my hands. And the same will happen to you!” I said.
I charged.
Whipping out my blade.
I swung my sword.
The enemy dived out the way.
They jumped at me.
I dodged their sword swings.
Their swords hacked into the wooden carriages.
Harrison grabbed a metal crowbar.
He threw it.
Cracking the skull of one man.
Blood sprayed into the air. Raining down upon us.
He gasped.