Page 40 of Heart of Lies
An assassin charged at Harrison.
I tackled him.
Smashing my fist into his head.
The sound of rushing air made me jump to one side.
A sword fell. Killing the assassin I punched.
The sword falling assassin I slashed his throat.
I grabbed Harrison.
Pulling him further into the engineering chamber.
The assassins raced after us. Swords swinging.
Walking down the awful boring stone corridor towards the engineering chamber, Alessandria's heart thumped inside her chest. She couldn't believe the enemy were trying something against her brother.
The sound of Hellen's stick tapping against the stone floor echoed around the corridor as they walked. Nemesio had tried to comfort her on the way to the castle but she wasn't having any of it. Her brother was in danger.
She could almost smell the fearful sweat on her as she walked towards the chamber.
Alessandria felt the cold sweat drip down her back.
Seeing the door at the end of the stone corridor, a strange sense of rage built within Alessandria. She wanted to bust in there and kill all these assassins. No one attacks her family and gets to live.
However, the Procurator part of her wanted Alessandria to subdue them and arrest them. That was the proper and right way. Yet she didn't care this was her brother!
Hellen dashed past her and tried to open the door. She couldn't.
Alessandria slowed to a gentle stroll at the thought of not being able to get to Daniel. He probably had enough trouble in the engineering room.
She passed an engineer in a large crowd who mentioned Harrison had ordered them to take a break after finding Daniel. Well, the engineer called Daniel a worse name than freak. So she broke the man's nose.
This only made her want to pound down that door. Her brother needed her.
The Queen walked past her and placed her hand on top of Alessandria's and gave her hand a caring rub. Giving Alessandria the distinct flowery smell of the Queen's perfume.
Looking back at the door, Alessandria rushed over as she saw Nemesio back away and Hellen used her big stick as a crowbar and forced the door open.
With a loud bang, they were in.
They all stormed in.
Charging in, Alessandria saw the rows upon rows of red and black carriages.
The air smelt of fear and vapourised blood.
A scream caught her attention.
It was Harrison.
Alessandria started to run down the rows of carriages to find her brother.
The others follow.