Page 11 of Dirty Summer 2
“We’d love it.” Maggie beamed. She looked as bad off as Reid.
Justyn knew they were going to have to talk about continuing these late-night cruises, but right now wasn’t the time.
“All right. Good night.” Reid jogged down the stairs and jumped in the truck.
“Finally,” Justyn breathed.
What’s wrong with you? You’ve got somewhere better to be?”
He peeled out of the gravel drive and headed back to the creek. He still had to get Reid to his Jeep.
“Nothing’s wrong. I don’t like being set up,” he grumbled.
“Set up? You need to relax.” Reid rolled the window down and slung his elbow over the side.
“I am relaxed. I just don’t need a damn date every time we go out.”
“Blair’s got a little edge to her, but she’s hotter than hell. You’re not having a good time with her?”
He didn’t know how to answer. Every time they were together, it was almost combative. It was as if she was always trying to get under his skin, and it worked.
“All I’m sayin’ is we have too much going on this summer to get sidetracked. I’m not interested.”
Reid laughed. “Not interested in Blair?”
“That’s what I said.” Justyn pulled into the creek drive behind Reid’s Jeep.
“All right. See you at the house.” Reid jumped out and climbed into his vehicle.
He didn’t know how many times he had to say it. He didn’t want a relationship. He had risked everything he had for this boat business and he wasn’t about to raise the stakes on that investment by a distraction like Blair.
It had been awhile since he had a girlfriend, and for now, that was ok. Island girls were too serious about marriage and kids, and tourist girls wouldn’t be here long enough to matter.
He thought about how Blair’s hair felt, how she melted into his chest, and how she wrapped her hot little body around him. Dammit. This is exactly why he needed to stay away from her.
“Can you believe this is our third cruise in a week?” Maggie chirped around the shower curtain.
Blair was brushing her teeth with a tightly wrapped towel around her body while her friend showered in their oversized adjoining bathroom. “No, what I can’t believe is that he hasn’t even tried to kiss me yet.” Blair spit into the sink and rested her toothbrush in the holder. “What in the hell is he waiting for? A better offer?”
Peeking out again with a head full of bubbles, Maggie lamented. “I know. I don’t get it either. Reid’s the same way. They must want to be summer buddies.”
“Buddies? I’m not anyone’s buddy!” Blair stomped. “No offense, G.”
“None taken.” Maggie ducked behind the curtain.
“All, I’m saying is that they keep asking us out, but then nothing ever happens. All he does is flash me smiles. Moonlight cruises, dancing in Beaufort, drinks out on the boat, and then…crickets…nothing. I don’t get it. This doesn’t happen to me.”
“Are you forgetting the pact already? It’s only been a week.”
Blair had retrieved her tweezers from her cosmetic bag and was critically studying her brow line. “No, I didn’t forget the pact, but seriously, I thought they were going to be more fun than this.”
“Ugh. That was the whole point of the pact—just summer fun—no entanglements. Just enjoy hanging out with Justyn and stop worrying if he’s going to kiss you or not.”