Page 12 of Dirty Summer 2
“Kiss me? If that’s all I get out of this, then it will be the biggest seduction fail in history.”
“Blair!” Maggie squealed in the shower.
“Sorry. Just being honest. I should at least get some this summer if I’m going to be stuck on the island.”
“Ok, we need to reprioritize your goals but we don’t have time for all of that before he gets here. Can you at least pretend to have a good time tonight?”
She exhaled into the mirror as she wiped on a second layer of mascara. “For you, I can. But he better try to kiss me tonight or I’m not going on any more of these stupid cruises. He didn’t try anything the other night. Not when we were dancing, not when he left me on the couch. Nothing.”
“Well, you were a little tipsy.”
“I was fine. I only had one drink. I mean it. Last cruise.”
“Fine. Whatever. Can you throw me my towel please; it’s on the hook behind the door.”
Blair lifted the towel from the hook and placed it in her outstretched hand. “I’m serious. No more cruises.”
She huffed out of the bathroom and embarked on the mission of finding the most alluring and seductive summer outfit in her closet. Nothing she had worn so far had worked. And she had never had to work for a guy’s attention before. It usually landed in her lap in the form of endless free drinks, unwanted texts, cheesy pickup lines, and the occasional awkward mis-grope. Blair wasn’t even sure if she wanted Justyn’s company for what was left of the summer, or if she just wanted to know he wanted her. Either way, she was giving him one last chance tonight.
She pulled up the strapless black dress. Perfect. If he can keep his hands off me in this, then he’s gay—definitely gay.
“You’re wearing that? On a boat cruise?” Maggie stared at her
“It’s cotton. Cotton’s a summer fabric.” Blair smiled.
“Well, if you want to send him a message, you’ve got it,” Maggie called as she headed toward the stairs.
“I do. If he doesn’t get it, then no more cruises or clambakes or whatever the island match-makers have up their sleeves.” Blair twirled a bit in the mirror and smiled at the hem of the dress. The black layers barely brushed the tops of her thighs. “This will work though.”
In perfect island form, Justyn pulled into the Buttonses’ gravel driveway at 6:45. He glanced at the time displayed on his truck’s dash. Dammit. Reid had asked them out again, and here he was picking them up for another evening cruise. If his cousin wanted to see Maggie, then why didn’t he ask her out? Spending all of this extra time with Blair was proving to be harder than he thought. Yeah, she was pretty—well, better than pretty, she was downright gorgeous—but there wasn’t a woman beautiful enough to convince him to get distracted this summer. He and Reid had more boats to build than they could handle, a pile of bills to pay, an upcoming meeting to garner financial backing, and there wasn’t time for anything else.
His eyes traveled to the second story of the house where he saw two narrow shadows floating behind the curtains. Is that Blair’s room? Wonder if she sleeps naked? Dammit, enough. This is it. Final cruise, then Reid can do whatever the hell he wants with Maggie. I’m out.
Justyn took the steps two at a time, and ran his hands through his light brown hair. Moths flitted around the porch, and he took a big breath before knocking on the door. He knew he needed to steel himself for this night.
After two raps on the screen door, he heard the girls trotting down the stairs.
“Hey, Justyn! We’re ready,” Maggie called out to him. She grabbed a canvas bag and stepped to the side.
His eyes were smacked with the whole Blair picture. Shit, this just got a lot harder. He swallowed hard as his eyes traced the elegant lines of her tanned legs that seemed to never end. The hem of her black dress danced over the highest point of her thigh. If she bent over... Oh, if only she’d bend over.
“Justyn?” Blair smiled.
“Yep.” He tried not to stammer. “Y’all ready?” He held the door open for the girls to pass under his arm.
Blair walked dangerously close, brushing against Justyn’s chest with her bare shoulder. She threw him another flirtatious smile.
Maggie elbowed her friend on the way down the stairs.
Justyn glared at the two giggling girls as they darted toward his truck.
Reid was waiting for them in the skiff when they pulled up to the creek. Justyn watched his cousin pour the remaining bag of ice over the beer in the cooler and toss the plastic in the trash can roped to the end of the pier. Even though the sun was setting, the air was still thick and warm. Reid reached into the cooler and pulled out a chilled beer. He tossed a second one Justyn’s way before he reached the boat.
“Looks like you could use this, man.” Reid chuckled.