Page 157 of Turn Over
“Hey, how are you?”
“Good. I wanted to thank you and apologize I guess for last night.” I twisted my lip under my teeth.
She giggled. “Things worked out with Mason, I guess?”
“You could say that.” I didn’t know her well, but I was aching for some girl talk. My head was spinning. My heart was about to burst. I was riding a roller coaster with him.
“Mason’s a good guy. A little misunderstood, but deep down he’s a sweetheart. He just needs the right girl.”
My stomach rolled. Was I that girl? Last night his words convinced me I was.
“Yeah, I think I get that about him.” I was reluctant to share, but it was exactly why I was reaching out to her.
“Can I ask you what happened between you two last night? I saw you walk off together so I knew you’d be ok. You can tell me to butt out if you want. I’m being nosey. But, seriously I’m dying to know.”
I giggled. It was her genuine interest that broke me down. “Honestly, I didn’t want to see him again, except I really wanted to see him again. Does that make sense?”
“Complete sense. I’m marrying a Lachlan. I get it. What did he say?”
I extended my legs to the edge of the chaise and adjusted the pillow behind my back. “I guess I should start at the beginning if this is going to make any sense.”
Thirty minutes later Eden and I had hashed out all of the hiccups in my relationship with Mason. I heard the front door slam.
“Syd?” he called out.
“Hold on a sec,” I instructed Eden with my hand over the phone. “I’m out here.” I swallowed hard when I saw him walk through the apartment shirtless and sweaty. He was unreal.
He pivoted on his heel and jogged toward the balcony.
“He just got back from his run, so I need to go.”
“Ok, I’m glad we talked. Call me again if you need anything. And I’m right next door. Maybe we can get together later?”
“Sounds good. I’d love to stop by later. Thanks for the talk. Bye.”
I placed the phone on the side table. I hated to rush Eden off the call, but I couldn’t talk freely with Mason in the condo. He stood in the doorway, a puzzled look painted on his face.
“Let me guess. That was my nosey niece?”
“First, I think it’s weird you call her your niece because she’s not really, and second yes. That was Eden.”
He rubbed a towel across his face. It was red from the run.
“I’m going to jump in the shower. I thought we could ride over to your place and pick up some clothes for you after breakfast.”
I titled my head. “Clothes? Are we spending the day together?”
“Hell yeah, we are.” He threw the discarded towel on my chair. “I like you in my shirt by the way.” He ducked inside.
I felt the corners of my mouth turn upward. I might wear a perpetual grin whenever he was around. I knew I was in trouble. I was falling hard and fast.
Mason parked the car in the space closest to the staircase. I told him I could drive myself over, but he seemed determined we were going to spend a Saturday together, even if it meant doing mundane weekend tasks.
He followed me up the steps. “I’ll just pick up a few things, ok?”
“Take your time. I’m in no rush. This Saturday is all about having fun.” He put a hand on my shoulder. “But not the kind of fun that doesn’t mean anything. I mean it’s fun, but not just fun—shit. I’ll just stop talking now.”
I laughed. “I know what you meant. We are going to have fun together.” I turned to kiss him, but I could only reach the side of his neck if he didn’t bend down.