Page 158 of Turn Over
We walked in and I headed for the cl
oset. “Make yourself at home.”
He landed on the bed with a thud. He folded his hands behind his head. “You have a remote?”
I called from the closet. “Yeah, in the bedside table.” I pulled my overnight bag from the shelf, and started loading it with a few shirts and pairs of shorts. I smiled remembering I still had that lingerie I never wore in San Antonio. I placed it on top.
I emerged with my suitcase. “Shit.”
Mason stared at the drawer. He held the remote in one hand. “I think you’ve been holding out on me.”
I covered my eyes with my hands. “I didn’t mean for you to see that drawer. Shit.” My cheeks were red. I could feel the heat blistering on my skin.
“We’re packing all of this right?” His eyebrows waggled.
I rushed over and slammed the drawer. “No, that’s private stuff.”
“You seem like quite the sexually liberated woman. Why are you embarrassed? I think it’s hot you have your own little toy chest.”
“I-I just. I’ve been by myself. That’s all. I don’t use them all the time. My roommate used to sell them at parties to make extra money.”
“Hey, I don’t judge. I think we should pack at least something out of that drawer.”
“Hell, yeah. Do I get to choose?” He reached for the handle to pull the drawer open, and I still hadn’t decided if I could deal with him knowing about my supply.
“This is crazy.” I watched him sort through my collection.
“I say we pack these.” He laid them out on the bed. A bottle of oil and a small pink vibrator.
I unzipped my suitcase and tucked them in the side. “I’m not saying yes.” I looked at him.
“But it’s not a no.” He winked.
“It’s not a no.” I felt dizzy thinking about what he could with those. “I think I’m ready to go. What are we doing today anyway?”
He pulled the car keys from his pocket. “I thought we could do something everyone does when they come to South Padre.”
“What’s that?” I turned the handle on the lock.
“How about a day at the beach?”
I stopped at the top step. “You’re going to sit on the beach all day?”
“Sure. Why not?”
I followed him to the car. “No laptop or business channel?”
He laughed as he put the car in drive. “I keep trying to tell you I’m a fun guy. I know how to relax.”
I wasn’t convinced. From what I knew about Mason he crammed every available second with phone calls, reports, meetings, or emails. It never ended. The only time he didn’t seem interested in the stock market was when we were in bed. A day on the beach might drive him in insane.
“I guess I’ll just have to trust you.”
“That’s what this is all about, baby.” He threw a palm on my thigh, as we whipped out of the parking lot.
Neither one of us had traditional beach supplies. Mason stopped at Sandy’s so we could pick up a few things.