Page 5 of Sweet Satisfaction
If there was one thing Harpers Point didn’t need it was another Christmas store. “No, actually, I was thinking about following a business model of a friend of mine in Nashville. I thought I could try it here .”
“Oh? Really? What kind ?”
“Sort of like antiques, but vintage pieces. Sort of a shabby chic farmhouse feel .”
Samantha twisted her lips together. “But no Christmas ?”
Cami knew she was going to have to cave on that part at least seasonally. “Of course there will be some Christmas.” She smiled. “It will be very festive in here. I promise .”
“Good.” Samantha clutched her Kate Spade bag. “Well, I have to run some errands for Nate and the girls, but I’ll check back for dinner ?”
Cami nodded. “Definitely. I’d love to catch up more .”
They hugged and Cami watched her friend sashay onto Tinsel Avenue .
She stood for a few seconds as Samantha faded from view. Just when Cami was getting ready to return to her bucket of sudsy water, her heart stopped .
On the other side of the sidewalk was a man in a rich charcoal coat with a red scarf draped around his neck. He was tall and broad, with shocking black hair. Even from this far away Cami felt the butterflies. Her throat tightened and she let the scrub brush fall from her hand. It hit the floor with a thud, splattering bubbles on the marble .
There was only one man who had ever made her feel that way. Just one look. One glance and her belly flipped and danced. That man was Evan Jacobs .
L unch was the same every day. Call it habit. Call it the life of a military man. Call it the lack of options in a small town. Evan strolled down Main Street toward the Shipwreck. It was a corner café at the end of the block that overlooked the small marina in the cove. As soon as he walked through the door, Anna grinned .
“The regular, Mayor ?”
He nodded. “Grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup. Too cold for anything else .”
She grabbed a nubby pencil from behind her ear and scribbled his order on a green and white pad .
“I heard the flotilla’s full this year.” She rang up his order while he waited .
“Yes.” The flotilla was always full, but the Shipwreck was a place for small talk. “Should be a good one .”
“How’s your grandmama?” Anna asked .
Evan frowned. “The same .”
“Sorry to hear that.” Anna boxed up the sandwich and poured the soup into a cylinder with a lid. She stuffed them both in a white paper bag dotted with mistletoe leaves. “Maybe the holidays will give her something to look forward to. I’ll run some cookies over later. Cheer her up .”
“She’d like that.” He paid for his lunch. “Thanks, Anna. See you tomorrow .”
“Sure thing, Mayor .”
He was the youngest mayor in the town’s history. No one ever accused Harpers Point of being particularly progressive, but they had embraced him with open arms when he returned from his last tour of duty. Evan knew he wasn’t going back to the desert, but he had to serve another way. The military had ingrained that much into his soul. So at thirty, he ran for public office and won in a landslide election .
Evan stepped onto the brick sidewalk outside Schooner’s. There was a delivery truck blocking his path to City Hall. A man with a dolly made a path with crates full of milk. Shep’s Market stocked up once a week on the essentials. Reluctantly, Evan crossed the street, passing the hardware store and Bee’s Florals . He tried not to walk on this side of the street when he could avoid it .
As he approached dark window front of The Sweet Spot , he felt a tightening in his chest. Twelve years had passed and he felt the same way every time he saw the scrolling sign swinging over the candy shop doors .
He peered through the frosted glass. The candy shop was dark, but as he took another step he thought he thought he saw movement in the store next door .
“What the fuck is going on?” he muttered .
There had been a recent rash of teenage pranks lately in town. He knew kids were easily bored. He used to be one of them, so he got it. But he didn’t like the idea of someone being in this shop. Evan bristled, worried a few of them had broken in. He noticed the latch was loose on the lock. He pushed the door open and hurried inside .