Page 6 of Sweet Satisfaction
“Who’s in here?” he barked. “This building is closed .”
Before he had a chance to search the empty room he heard a scream. He looked up just in time as a figure came barreling down from the ladder .
The paper bag fell to the floor with Evan’s soup. He extended his arms as Cami Addison landed in his palms with a gentle thud .
“Whoa! Gotcha.” He had kept whoever this was from hitting the marble floor, but they were about to get an earful about trespassing .
“Cami?” His eyebrows rose as he locked eyes on Cami’s soft gaze. He’d never seen blue eyes like hers. They were dusted with specks of sapphire. There were nights when those blue eyes haunted him .
She wiggled in his hold. Her auburn hair, falling loosely from the messy bun on her head .
“Evan?” she whispered .
He was almost too stunned to place her feet on the floor. She wasn’t the eighteen-year old girl he had loved any more, she was a stunning woman. Her cheeks were flush and her pink lips had never looked more kissable. But he hadn’t forgotten what happened between them. He never would .
“What are you doing here?” he asked .
“Can you? Can you put me down?” she eked. Was it fear or surprise in her eyes ?
“Right.” His hands had tucked her protectively to his chest to catch her from the fall. Her body was warm and soft. Something stirred under his ribs he couldn’t describe. He lowered her legs until she was balanced on her boots. He stared, not knowing what question to ask first. He had at least a hundred .
“What were you doing up there?” He pointed to the top of the ladder .
“Trying to replace the lightbulbs. I can’t even see what I’m cleaning. All the lights are out. Nothing works .”
He glanced around. There was a bucket, rags, and wet spots all over the floor .
“Are you doing this by yourself?” he asked .
She nodded. “I guess you didn’t know I was back in town ?”
Evan frowned. “I had no idea.” It seemed if Harpers Point’s sweetheart had returned, it would have made the front page of the Point POst . How had he not known? For the first time in his memory, the damn grapevine had failed .
“When did you get back ?”
Cami winced. “Last night. Claudine Francis made the arrangements for me .”
At least that explained why she had called his office this morning. Knowing Claudine, she was trying to fix them up. He held in the long string of curse words that popped in his head .
“How long are you staying ?”
Her long lashes did something to him. He couldn’t look away, even though he wanted to. He didn’t want to stand here and talk to her like nothing was wrong. Like the last twelve years had never happened .
“I’m back,” she answered .
He huffed. “Right. You just dropped your music career?” He leaned down to collect his soup and sandwich .
Cami bit the inside of her cheek. She used to do that when she was nervous. How did he still remember that ?
“More like it dropped me.” Her voice softened. “And anyway, I inherited Aunt Sophie’s properties. The entire building is mine now .”
“Got it. You didn’t have a choice.” He backed up toward the door .
“No, it’s not like that exactly .”
“I guess Claudine could sell it for you .”