Page 136 of Sidelined
“That’s quite a run.” Her hands followed the lines of his chest, pausing every few inches to rub her fingers into his muscles.
He studied the water that trickled between her breasts. She was driving him crazy and she knew it. He reached for the back of her neck and brought his mouth on hers. The taste of her alone brought him to his knees. He was drowning in want and feelings he’d never felt before.
Skye dropped the bottle and it clanged against the bottom of the shower floor.
He felt her press against his body, all her curves, her breasts, the smoothness of her stomach. He’d never wanted anyone so much in his life. He groaned as she snaked a leg around his waist. His tongue trailed the side of her neck, lashing against the stream of water. She ignited something in him he couldn’t explain.
He twirled her to the side, pressing her back against the tile.
She smiled up at him. “Good morning, Ben.”
“We don’t have to check out until after breakfast. What are you in the mood for this morning?” Bolt asked.
They had gotten dressed and made a reservation at one of the hotel’s restaurants for breakfast.
Skye shoved her heavy shades on her forehead. “What I want is not on this menu.” She winked.
He laughed. “I think I’m rubbing off on you.”
“Maybe.” She shirked. “Coffee. Lots of coffee and then pancakes.” She folded the menu on the table. “With lots of whipped cream.”
Bolt choked on his water. “You’re killing me. I promise we’ll go back to bed after breakfast, but I have to feed the machine. I can’t exist on sex alone.” He loved the pouty look on her face.
The waiter meandered over to the table and took their pancake
and coffee orders before leaving again.
“So, was it worth the thirty-day wait?” Skye teased.
“Who is this girl? You are bold.” He leaned forward so his hand could rest on her thigh. “Yes. It would be worth a year’s wait if it was always like that.” He settled into his seat, wondering if he had unleashed Pandora’s box by sleeping with her. If that was the case, he was glad he had found a way to unlock her inhibitions.
She changed her expression. “Thank you for waiting. I know I didn’t make it easy, but thank you.”
“Baby, I would walk through fire for a night like that with you.” He nodded at the waiter as he placed a pot of coffee on the table.
“Yes, really.” He poured a cup for each of them.
“Ben, I was thinking about something.” Skye fidgeted with the sugar spoon.
“What’s that?”
“I know this sounds crazy, but what if we take off this week from work and just go somewhere? Like Catalina or Cabo. I don’t know, you can pick the place.”
Ben closed his eyes. Fuck. He had every intention of telling her, but every time he thought about it, something else came up. She could read the look on his face.
“What’s wrong? Did I say too much? Is that moving too fast?”
“No, I would love to take a trip with you.”
She beamed. “It would be amazing. Shower sex every day, guaranteed.”
“The thing is.” He stopped to let the waiter deliver two heaping piles of pancakes complete with berries and whipped cream. He inhaled sharply. This was going to suck. “See, I can’t take any time off work this week. We’re on lock down.”
“Lock down? That sounds serious.” Skye poured syrup on the pancakes before dabbing spoonfuls of whipped cream on top.
“It’s not that kind of serious, but it’s what always happens the week before a deployment.”