Page 137 of Sidelined
“A deployment? Who is leaving?” Skye was focused on breakfast.
“I am.”
She placed her fork on her plate. “What are you talking about? You can’t be leaving in a week.”
“I should have mentioned it. I’m going to Japan next week.” He cringed, knowing the words were damaging all the beautiful moments they had shared together.
“Ok. Is it a quick trip?” She was surprisingly calm.
Bolt shook his head. “No, there’s nothing quick about WESTPAC.” He reached across the table, needing to touch her, needing her to know that they could still be connected. “I’ll be back in six months.”
“Six months?” Skye’s voice carried through the outdoor dining room. “You’re going to leave next week for six months? Is there some kind of national crisis? Please tell me you just found out, and there is something apocalyptic happening in Russia or China.”
God, this was awful. Fucking awful. “It’s a routine deployment. The Rebels go every other year. They call it WESTPAC because it’s basically a trip that covers all of the Western Pacific. Easy acronym to remember.” This probably wasn’t the time to try to toss out a Marine Corps terminology lesson. She usually loved them.
“You’ve known about this?” He wanted her to keep her voice down, but she was upset. He could see the anger rising through her flushed cheeks.
“Skye, I didn’t know that you and I were going to—”
“What? That we were going to sleep together? You knew all along.” She stood from the table, throwing her napkin in the seat.
“That’s not what I’m talking about. Please, sit down so we can talk about it. Deployments aren’t that bad.”
“I’m sure they’re not for people who don’t keep them a secret. I’ll be out of the room before you get back.”
Bolt stood to stop here. “No, don’t do that. We can talk.”
“Don’t touch me.” She pushed his hand off her elbow. “And don’t come to the room until I can grab my bag.”
“Skye, wait. I don’t want this to be over.” Bolt didn’t care that half the breakfast patrons had put down their coffee cups to listen to their fight.
Her raven hair flowed as she stormed off the veranda and into the hotel.
He sunk into the seat. He had screwed up the best thing that ever landed in his life.
“You didn’t tell her about the deployment?” Faith shook her head. “You are a dumbass, Ben.”
He didn’t know where else to go after Skye left the hotel. He wanted to rush straight to her apartment, but he thought he should give her some time to cool off before approaching her again.
“I know. I am beyond stupid. What do I do? How do I fix it?” Faith poured him another cup of coffee.
“It’s not like a broken toilet. You really pissed her off. I would be ready to deck you if you pulled a stunt like that.”
“I didn’t know we were going to get serious. It hit me. I didn’t plan it. You know me, Faith. I don’t get serious with anybody. I wasn’t trying to hurt her. I honestly didn’t think we would be where we are before I left for Japan.”
“So, you thought you could date her for a month, sleep with her, and none of that would matter?” Faith pursed her lips.
“When you say it like that, I sound like a dick. But, I’ve never done the relationship thing. I don’t know how it works. When was I supposed to tell her?” He hoped Faith had all the answers he needed.
“You should have told her in the beginning. Not night one, but sometime that after that, and especially after you got back together. Want another cup?” She had the pot ready to pour.
Bolt shook his head. “No, I’ve had enough coffee. I need a plan.”
“Talk to her. Tell her you were stupid. Beg her to forgive you. Tell her she means more to you than sex and that you have feelings for her.”
“And that will work?”
Faith laughed. “I have no idea, but nothing’s going to work if you don’t start there.”