Page 1 of Tough Love: Episode 3
Tough Love
Episode: 3
Copyright 2014, Alexander Dingeman, All rights reserved
(Scene opens on an establishing shot of a street in downtown Lágnos. Camera focuses in on a full shot showing all of the characters just moments after the end of episode 2. Lana angrily storms up to Duke and starts reaching into her bag. Duke, still clutching his shoulder, hobbles over to greet her.)
Lana! What are the odds that-
(Lana pulls out a can of pepper spray and once she gets close enough sprays Duke in the face. Duke cries out in pain and puts his hands over his eyes as he backs away.)
You fucking pervert! Did you actually think that that accidental phone call was an open invitation to stalk me all the way to Greece!?!
(Stepping forward to talk.) Lana calm down, it wasn’t like that.
(Pointing the pepper spray at Wilt.) You want some of this too bitch?
(Stepping back.) No. He’s all yours.
(The Old Woman walks up to Lana and Duke looking concerned.)
Ti symvaínei edó_?
Af_tós o ánthro_pos prospathoúse na me viásei.
(The Old Woman gasps. Duke finally gets the will to open his eyes again and approaches the Old Woman.)
Look, I don’t know what she just said to you in Greece talk but-
(The Old Woman reaches into her purse and sprays Duke with her own can of pepper spray. Duke cries out in pain again as the Old Woman runs off. Cut to a medium shot of Lana and Duke. Lana steps up to confront Duke who once again struggles to open his eyes.)
You have SO much explaining to do.
Well we didn’t exactly know that you were going to be here! We flew over here to go treasure hunting.