Page 2 of Tough Love: Episode 3
Ugh! This is just classic Duke. I had almost forgotten what it was like listening to all of your old bullshit stories. Next time you should start with something a little more believable. You’re always either an astronaut or a policeman. Now you’re fucking Indiana Jones!
(Camera pans out a little as Wilt steps into frame.)
We’re actually here for the upcoming festival.
Now that’s a story that I can actually believe. (Gesturing toward Wilt.) And of course you brought your shadow with you.
(Off-screen) Geiá sou!
(Cut to a full shot showing all of the characters as Professor Oblex, a chubby, gray-haired man with a thick Greek accent, runs over to Lana. Cut to a medium shot of the professor and Lana.)
Sir, I-
What is taking so long Lana? Oh! Did you bring me more Americans?
No. These are just a couple of… old acquaintances of mine.
Wonderful! You must introduce us. (Reaching out to shake Duke’s hand.) I am Professor Oblex.
(Duke extends his arm to shake the professor’s hand. Cut to a close-up of his wound then cut back to the full shot. At this point Lana finally calms down enough to notice how serious Duke’s injuries are.)
Oh, god. What happened to your arm?
We got into a little trouble right before we ran into you.
(Sigh) Well, let’s at least get you guys to a hospital.
(Wilt lets Duke lean on him while they follow Lana and Oblex off-screen. Scene fades out.)
(Scene opens on an establishing shot of a beach near the boardwalk. The shot fades in to a close up of the Mistress that pans around her body. As the camera scrolls across her body and up to her face we see that she is wearing a small bikini instead of her normal cloak. Cut to a full shot that shows her waiting outside of a beach changing tent and casually playing with one of her knives.)
Honestly, I don’t know why you’re not in a better mood. Now we’re the only ones looking for the heart and we didn’t even have to kill anyone.