Page 18 of Unbridled Temptation
“I…I…” Jocelyn’s mind spun with endless and startling possibilities. She’d never thought much about a darker sexual lifestyle before this moment.
She closed her eyes, swallowed hard, and took a deep breath. Opening her eyes again, she asked calmly, “What else do you want to do? Tell me exactly.”
“I want complete control of what happens between us. I’ll want to be obeyed completely before, during, and maybe even a little bit after our interlude together.”
Interlude. Jocelyn’s heart sped up. Was she about to agree to this? Would she regret the mystery of what he intended to do to her, if she didn’t find out what he had in mind firsthand?
“So to recap, you do whatever makes you happy for round one. Then I take complete control for round two. What do you say?”
She wanted to have sex with him more than she’d ever wanted to have sex in her life. The very idea of allowing him absolute dominion over her body and soul made her heart strike several strong thuds of exhilaration in her chest.
“Are you going to hate what I want to do to you?”
A small smile surfaced. “No. I won’t hate it. But I challenge you to do whatever you want, and exactly what you want, because that’s what I plan to do to you when it’s my turn.”
Seriously, her heart pounded so hard it was a wonder she didn’t see her chest swell outward with each beat.
For as much she wanted to throw caution to the wind, she wasn’t usually such an adventurous person. She spent much of her personal time reading, writing, or searching through endless lines of computer code in quiet, chilly rooms with no one else around. One of the reasons she worked for herself was because she didn’t like being told what to do.
But his offer to allow her to go first and do whatever she wanted was shadowed by the unknown quantity of what his round-two plans might be.
“I’m a little afraid of what you’ll do when it’s your turn,” she said quietly.
His smile widened. “That’s as it should be,” was his cryptic response to her verbally stated fear.
She was a wimp when it came to things like this. She was rarely so spontaneous, and there was a reason for that. She liked things planned out. She liked to know what to expect.
His dark bondage fantasies with carte blanche permission to dominate her during their interlude was too much. She was in so far over her head, not only wasn’t the surface visible, she wasn’t sure what murky substance was involved anymore.
Exciting or not, heart pounding or not, she should just go. She pushed out a sigh and got ready to leave.
Jocelyn moved about an inch off of his lap. Or rather she tried to. Suddenly, Logan tightened his arms around her body, pinning her arms down, flipped her on her back on the sofa’s surface, and slammed his body on top of her.
Arms trapped at her sides, Jocelyn didn’t panic when Logan soon pushed a knee between her thighs and spread her legs wider. He dropped his hips forward, his lower body fitting perfectly between her thighs. She felt his cock hard against her pubic bone as he mounted her and thrust his hips a couple of times into her body.
His face lowered nearly to hers. He whispered, “You really want me to stop, you say the word stagecoach.” Then he pushed his mouth against hers. He focused on her lower lip, sucking it inside his warm mouth. He bit down into the sensitive flesh of her bottom lip a few times, before his mouth moved to cover hers. Suddenly, he kissed her like he had earlier. She remembered that both thrilling times he’d had her hands locked behind her back. Giving him all the control the way he liked it. Did she like it?
Between her legs, she felt him start thrusting harder and faster. His rigid cock felt huge against her center. She moved her legs, bending them so that he’d thrust more against her clit. Her intention was to slip them around the back of his thighs. But he nipped her lower lip enough to pinch then broke the savage kiss. “I didn’t tell you to move your legs.”
“I just wanted—”
“I also didn’t tell you to speak,” he said, harshly interrupting.
She lowered her legs slowly back to where they’d been. He stared deeply into her eyes as if willing her to act up or mouth off again. Jocelyn stared at him, eyes wide with uncertainty and trepidation.