Page 19 of Unbridled Temptation
He squeezed her once. His arms were still trapped beneath her back. His hips pushed forward into her body again. He lowered his mouth to hers and resumed the commanding kiss as if nothing of note had transpired.
Jocelyn mentally took a deep breath and reevaluated her position. She was trapped beneath a sexy stranger who demanded compliance. His tongue stabbed deeply, sharply, and intoxicatingly between her lips again, swirling hard and fast within and insisting on her complete surrender. It wasn’t unpleasant. In fact it was dark, dangerous-feeling, and incredibly exciting.
Logan was breathing hard. Their kiss was completely consuming, volcanic even. The rhythmic pressure of his hips increased and intensified with each stroke of his cock between her legs, which was exactly in time with his tongue swirling within her lips.
And yet, ultimately, she didn’t like not knowing what to expect.
Jocelyn turned her head hard to one side, dislodged his mouth, and said clearly, “Stagecoach.”
Chapter Three
Kendall scanned the inside of the saloon once more, searching for Logan and Jocelyn. All the doors to the rooms above were open. He glanced down at the dramatic scene before him and figured he’d better put a stop to it before it went any further.
“Nathan, please put the gun down. He doesn’t know you’re only kidding.” Kendall knew for a fact Nathan likely wasn’t kidding, but there was a room full of tourists watching every move anyone made.
Nathan cocked the hammer in response before turning his head to look at Kendall with a hot and heavy please let me shoot him gaze.
“Gun. Down.” Kendall gave him a don’t fuck with me right now stare in return.
The gun lowered, albeit very slowly. Nathan slid the pistol back into its holster. His expression was grim.
Reggie started yammering the moment the gun was lowered. “I only asked him if he had a lot of women throwing themselves at him for sexual purposes. I just wanted a few details. Where he takes them. What he does to them. Come on. It’s good for business. Haven’t you ever heard that sex sells?”
The three teenagers from the stagecoach ride with Jocelyn earlier were seated at the bar. Their eyes were wide. Their smartphones were recording the entire scene in triplicate.
“Sorry, but this is not the time or place for such a discussion.” Kendall walked over to Reggie, put a hand on his back, and propelled him out the saloon doors and onto the sidewalk. “There were kids in there. Granted, they were teenagers, but this isn’t what we do here. Contrary to your unwavering beliefs, this establishment is not set up as a whorehouse. We do not run a bunny ranch here for men to procure sex by the hour. Either find something else to write about or get out.”
“Freedom of the press!” Reggie fairly screamed. “Besides, you can’t kick me out, I’m a paying customer.”
“So are the others inside!” Kendall had to take a deep breath and fight the urge to strangle the man. “Take a look at the authentically constructed buildings in town from the nineteenth century. Check out all the goods at the mercantile. Have a penny candy. Go see how they make candles. But please do not bring sex up one more time in front of other patrons, especially when children are around. That is not our purpose here.”
He looked slightly contrite, but the expression didn’t last long. Suddenly, Reggie went into smirk mode. “What about afterhours?”
“What about it?”
Reggie sneered. “The public has a right to know what goes on here.”
“Nothing goes on here afterhours. We’re closed.” Kendall walked away. Reggie was never going to be persuaded by his word alone. He needed to distance himself for now before he pulled his gun filled with blank ammunition and beat Reggie with it.
“I know you’re hiding something, Sheriff,” he said condescendingly.
Kendall waved without looking back. He should file a nuisance claim. If only it wouldn’t either be completely useless or bring bad press here, he’d do it in a second.
Thinking about sex and afterhours made his mind go directly to Logan and Jocelyn. Where are they?
He walked toward the bank, wondering if Logan had used the tunnel to go back to the private compound after being caught by Reggie in the alley.