Page 123 of Summer Island
“But do you know what day it is?”
Eric looked at her. “Monday?”
“Its the Fourth of July. ”
“Are we gonna have our party?”
“Of course. ”
“With sparklers?” He smiled sleepily.
“You go ahead and sleep for a minute. Ill get your brother to start the barbecue. ”
“Deans shitty at barbecuing. He drops everything onto the coals. You always let me cook the fish. ”
She stroked his forehead. “I know. Maybe you could supervise. ”
“Yeah. ” He grinned up at Dean. “Just take the meat off before it bursts into flames. ”
Nora leaned forward and kissed Erics cheek. By the time she got to her feet, he was asleep again. When she turned around, Dean saw the moisture in her eyes. He reached for her hand, held it. The three of them stood there, holding hands in the middle of the yard for a long, long time. No one spoke.
Finally, Ruby said, “Lets get this party rolling. ”
Dean gave Nora a last, heartfelt look. “Thanks,” he said softly. June hadnt yet rounded the bend into July, but this party was exactly what Eric needed.
While Nora and Ruby set the groceries and supplies out on the picnic table, Dean went upstairs and turned on the stereo. Music had always been a big part of their celebrations. He stuck the old-fashioned black speakers in the open window, pointing them toward the yard. Then he found the local golden-oldies station (none of them needed to be reminded now of the passing of time), and cranked the volume. For this one night, he would do his best to turn the clock back a dozen years.
As if in answer, the first song to blare through the speakers was Dire Straits“ ”Money for Nothing. "
By the time he got back outside, Nora and Ruby had everything ready. The corn on the cob had been shucked and wrapped in tinfoil; the store-bought macaroni salad was in a pottery bowl and ready to be served; and the salmon was seasoned and layered in slices of Walla Walla Sweet onions and lemons.
The music changed. Now it was "Crazy for You by Madonna . . .
Dean looped an arm around Rubys shoulder and drew her close. They moved in time to the music. “God, this brings back memories. ”
She pulled him away from the picnic table. “Dance with me. ”
He took her in his arms and danced back in time. If hed closed his eyes, he would have seen the high school gymnasium, decorated in glitter and tinfoil and tissue paper. He would have seen Ruby, wearing an ice-blue polyester dress with braided spaghetti straps, with her long hair flowing down her back.
Only he didnt close his eyes, didnt look back. From now on, he only wanted to look ahead.
When the music changed again, to Shaun Cassidys “Da Do Ron,” Nora limped out and started dancing with them. On the lounge chair, Eric was doing his best to clap along to the song.
They spent the rest of the day laughing, it seemed. They talked, they reminisced about the old days and spun dreams about the days to come. They ate dinner off paper plates balanced on their laps. Eric even managed a few bites of salmon. And when the darkness finally came to their party, they lit up the sparklers and shot off the fireworks.
Ruby stood at the bank, with her back to the Sound, and wrote RUBY LOVES DEAN in glittering white bursts of light. Beside her, Nora wrote I LOVE MY GIRLS and FOREVER. They were both grinning as they waved at Dean and Eric.
Eric turned his head. When their gazes met, Dean felt a clutch of fear. His brother looked hopelessly old and tired. “I love you, baby brother. ”
The world spiraled down to the two of them, sitting in this darkened yard. A silence swept in, snuffing out the music and the sound of the womens laughter. The 4 sudden quiet felt endless, dark, and dangerous.
“I love you, too, Eric. ”
“No funeral. I want you guys to have a party, something like this, like the old days. Then throw my ashes off the Wind Lass. Maybe under the bridge at Deception Pass. ”
Dean couldnt imagine that, standing on the boat, watching gray ashes float on the surface of the choppy green sea, thinking about a pair of blue eyes that would never look at him again . . .
Erics breathing grew labored. He closed his eyes. “I cant find the practice roster. ”