Page 124 of Summer Island
“Ill get it for you. ”
Eric opened his eyes. He didnt seem able to focus. “Get Mom, would you? I need to talk to her. ”
Dean froze.
“Shes here, isnt she?”
Dean nodded quickly, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Of course shes here. ”
Eric smiled and leaned back into the pillows. “I knew shed come. ”
“Ill go get her. ” It seemed to take Dean an hour to cross the small patch of lawn. As he walked, the sounds came back to him-the music, the laughter, the waves on the beach. “Thats What Friends Are For” was playing on the radio.
“Come on, Dino. ” Ruby laughed, reaching for him. “You havent written my name yet. ”
Dean couldnt hold out his hand. He felt as if he were unraveling, and the slightest movement could ruin him. “Hes asking for Mom. ”
Nora immediately covered her mouth with her hand. A small gasp escaped anyway.
Ruby dropped her sparkler. It shot sparks up from the grass, and she carefully stomped it out with her foot.
In utter silence, the three of them walked toward Eric. Dean could hear everything now, down to the crushing of the grass beneath their shoes.
Ruby was the first to kneel beside Eric. She stared down at him, and Dean could see the tears in her eyes.
Eric smiled up at her. “Youre unclenched. . . ”
Dean frowned at the garbled words; amazingly, Ruby seemed to understand. “I am,” she said softly, leaning down to kiss his cheek.
“You take care of my brother. ”
“I will. ”
Eric sighed and closed his eyes again. Dean moved in close to Ruby, took her hand and squeezed it.
“Oh, God”" she whispered, and he knew she was wondering how she would possibly get past this. How would any of them?
Eric fell asleep for a few minutes, then opened his eyes, blinking hard. “Mom?” He looked around. There was an edge of panic to his voice. “Mom?”
Dean clung to Rubys hand. The feel of her was a lifeline, the only thing that kept him steady. Nora lowered herself to the chair, sitting on the edge beside him. “Im here, honey. Im right here. ”
Eric stared up at her, his eyes glassy and unfocused. “Dino came home . . . to me. I knew you would, too. I knew you wouldnt stay away. Wheres Dad?”
Nora stroked his forehead. “Of course I came home. Im sorry it took me so long. ”
Eric let out a long, slow sigh. Then he smiled, an for a split second, his eyes were clear. "Take care of Dino for me. Hes going to need you now.
Nora swallowed hard. “Your dad andI will watch over him,” she said in a throaty voice.
"Thanks . . . Nora. You were always my mom Eric smiled and closed his eyes. A moment later, he whispered Charlie, is that you?
And he was gone.
The chapel on Summer Island was a narrow, pitch-roofed, clapboard building set on the crest of a small rise. Even now, in the middle of a cold, gray winter; the building was cloaked in glossy green ivy. Ropey brown clematis vines framed the double doors; in a few short months, they would again produce a riot of green leaves and purple blossoms.