Page 85 of Fallen (Fallen 1)
“That’d be great,” He said. I smiled back as we walked into the large home.
The home was cozy. You walked right into the formal living room. It was decorated in warm terra cota colors. Isaac went right passed it and opened a door that looked like it would be a storage closet. I was wrong. It opened up to a pair of ancient wooden steps that looked like they would break under our weight. I could hear people arguing downstairs. I gave Isaac a questioning look.
“It’s okay,” he said following my gaze to the steps. A single light lit the way down.
I started down the steps easy. I could hear Isaac’s guitar case slapping against his back as he descended slowly behind me. I’m sure my slow speed bothered him but he didn’t complain. A large black spider sped by me on the stone wall. I jerked away. I hated spiders. Of all the things I could be afraid of in the world spiders were number one second would probably be heights. And yet I love motorcycles.
I made it to the last step and waited for Isaac who was right behind me. “This way,” he said shouldering past me and turning a corner. I followed closely behind just in case anymore spiders showed up.
Looking around the cold dark room I couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to have band practice in a place so depressing. I saw a door placed into the small wall. The source of commotion was coming from behind it.
Isaac put his hand on the knob turned to look at me with a grin and opened it. I was instantly and pleasantly surprised.
The inside was like a real recording studio. The board with blinking lights, the glass, everything. I looked at Isaac questioningly.
“I thought you said this was band practice not a recording session.”
He laughed. I didn’t think it was funny. “This is band practice. Tyson’s dad is a recording mogul. This is just the in home studio that he never uses; you should see his actual recording studio.”
I looked around the front room. It was painted a light blue. The recording part was done in paneling halfway up the wall and then the rest of the wall was painted the same blue.
A comfy looking brown leather couch was on the right hand side of the room. A dark haired girl sat on one side. Three guys were in the recording part; seeing Isaac they came out. I kept looking at the girl. There was something oddly familiar about her. She noticed my staring and her head snapped up. It looked as if she had the same eyes as Isaac. My head snapped away from the girl. I didn’t want to seem rude.
Isaac must have noticed my questioning look. He moved next to the girl putting his hand on her shoulder. “This is my twin sister, Isobel.” Suddenly the pieces fit together. She was the girl at the coffee shop.
I held out my hand. “I’m Kylie,” I said. She looked me up and down with a mean look. Her eyes rested on my hand as if it was something completely vile. I put it down color flooding my cheeks with embarrassment. I heard Isaac mumble something to her. She said something back that sounded a lot like, “She’s with a vampire.” Isaac said what sounded like, “She probably doesn’t know.” I pretended not to have heard. After all I might have misunderstood with my overactive imagination. It was a realistic possibility.
In the other corner of the room there were three tall guys standing with their arms crossed all staring directly at me.
Isaac came to my side. “Guys this is my friend Kylie. Kylie this is Tyson,” he said motioning to the tall curly haired brunette with pretty gray eyes. “Nice to finally meet you. Isaac talks about you all the time,” He said with a cocky grin. I looked up at Isaac. His face had become flushed.
“Thanks a lot Tyson.”
“No problem,” said Tyson with a shrug.
“This is Colton,” He said pointing to the guy with straight dirty blond hair that fell well past his eyes. Colton looked me up and down and smiled. “And this is Wayland.” He said. Wayland was definitely the shy one of the bunch. He kept looking down at the floor as if he found it most fascinating. He had straight shaggy light brown hair with what looked like green eyes. The green of his eyes was much darker than mine. He had chiseled features and muscular arms.
“You can just chill there while we practice,” said Isaac indicating the couch Isobel was sitting on.
“Kay,” I said as the four guys walked into the studio.
I sat down on the small leather sofa as far away from Isobel as I could get. I watched as the guys set up. Colton was on the drums, Tyson lead guitar, Isaac was apparently the singer and lead guitarist, and Wayland was on the bass.
They tuned up. They looked like an actual band. If only they had a name.
I pulled my book out planning to read but then they started playing. They sounded like nothing I had ever heard. I had expected them to play hardcore screamo music. But instead it was a ballad. Colton hit the drums lightly so that it didn’t over power the song. I didn’t want to sound like a cliché but Isaac sang like an angel. The song was amazingly beautiful as were the ones after it. Even the one that was that got my heart racing with its fast pace.
I don’t know how long I was down in the recording studio but I do know that it was dark when we walked outside.
Isaac walked me to my car. “That was amazing. Why hasn’t Tyson’s dad signed you guys?” I asked.
Isaac let out a sigh. “Mr. Marx says that he will consider signing us when we finally agree on a name. And I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”
“You guys will come up with a name I’m sure of it.”
“Thanks,” He said. I unlocked my car.
“Bye Isaac,” I said opening the car door. The light blinked on.