Page 86 of Fallen (Fallen 1)
“Bye, I’ll see you on Monday.” He said a little sadly.
, see ya then. And you have got to bring me back here to see you guys practice.” I said.
“Really? I’ll bring you a cd on Monday with all of our songs.”
“That’d be great. Oh, I was meaning to ask you and I almost forgot. Did you write all of those songs?”
“Yeah. I did.”
“You have a gift Isaac.” I said as I got in the car and closed the door. I gave a little wave and pulled away leaving him standing in the street his hands in his jeans pockets.
I got home and was greeted by pitch blackness. I had forgotten to leave a light on in the house when I left. But then again I had thought I wouldn’t be gone long. I locked the car and went in the house tucking my necklace back under my shirt. I locked it behind me, still a little jumpy. I flipped the switch illuminating the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and my heart ached. I missed Jonathon so badly. He was way too good to me. He had made sure the kitchen was fully stocked. I realized with a sudden jolt that all the boxes had been unpacked and put away. The Pulmer’s really were purely good.
I found a bowel and made myself cereal for dinner. I cleaned up and decided I might as well go to bed. I flipped off the light and headed to my room. The door was closed and a light was leaking out from under the door. I hadn’t remembered leaving the light on and I definitely hadn’t closed the door. I opened the door.
The first thing I noticed was the open window. I stared at it puzzled.
My gaze went to my bed. I had an intake of breath.
A girl probably nineteen was stretched out on my bed. She had on a long black dress and had long black hair down to her waist. She was beautiful that much was obvious. My gaze moved and stayed fixed on her face. She was smiling sadistically. Her eyes were a light silver color. Vampire. I couldn’t breathe.
Her sadistic smile grew wider.
She leapt from the bed in a crouch like a lioness stalking her prey.
Her lips curled back from her teeth showing pointed incisors. A feral growl escaped her throat vibrating her lips.
“I’ve been waiting to meet you did you enjoy my notes?” She said with a cock of her head. Her nose wrinkled like she was sniffing the air. “Such a shame I had to kill the guard poor little Jonathon had stationed watching your house. He must be worried about you. But I have news for him. I don’t want to kill you, yet,” She said as if in afterthought. Her hair was blowing wildly and dangerously around her head from the wind coming in from the open window. Her eyes darted around the room.
“Who are you?” I asked as strongly as I could.
“Selena,” she said with a smile but the word came out like a hiss before she leapt towards me.
Then everything went black.
Chapter Nineteen: Safe
I woke up to a throbbing in my head. I glanced around wildly at my surroundings. I was still in my room although I was on the floor. Selena was nowhere to be seen. I put my hand to the back of my head. There was a large lump there. I managed to get myself in a sitting position even though the throbbing in my head made it difficult.
I let out a deep breath. I was safe.
When Selena had leapt out the window I had passed out. I wondered how long I was down?
Panic began to set in and a startling realization that could wreck my world.
I didn’t want to be a vampire. In no way did I want to be a part of that world. I didn’t mean that I didn’t want Jonathon because I did I just didn’t want to become a vampire. I wondered if that might make our relationship complicated and realized it most definitely would. I didn’t want to become like Selena. I didn’t want the blood drinking. I didn’t want the special powers. I didn’t want the extreme beauty. I didn’t want the grace or the speed or the flying. I just wanted to be me. Just Kylie. Human Kylie. Not vampire Kylie.
I wondered briefly what Jonathon would think.
Panic began to edge my realization. What if Selena came back to kill me? What could I do to protect myself? I began searching wildly through the house for some sort of weapon. I opened and slammed drawers that turned up empty. Crap, crap, crap!
Finally I settled on a large knife. I tested it on a tomato. It sliced through in one quick motion, no struggling to get it through.
I was trying so hard not to cry out of fear. I knew the knife would do no damage to her vampire skin if she decided to return but it made me feel safer. I closed the window to my room but left the blinds and curtains open. I sat on the end of my bed my head twitching from side to side, from the door that I had closed, to the window.
I sat there for hours. Never moving. My legs aching and then going numb with stiffness. I held the knife tightly in my hand. My hand turning purple. I sat there and watched day break over the horizon.