Page 16 of Forever (Fallen 3)
“I love it,” I assured her. “You and Christian did an amazing job. It’s perfect. Thank you,” I took her hand, giving it a squeeze.
“I’m glad you like it,” she smiled.
The dress was slim fitting to almost the knees where it fluttered out and down with the longest train I had ever seen. The slim fitted part of the dress was covered in a delicate lace giving the otherwise modern dress a vintage look. The veil too, had a vintage look. I had yet to see the other dress. Despite my demands
I didn’t even get to see any drawings of the second dress.
The door to Diana’s beautiful large white marble bathroom burst open.
“No, no, no,” said Pierre Augusto, in his thick accent, swatting Diana’s hand out of my hair.
“Ow,” I grabbed my head where I was pretty sure fifty pieces of hair had been ripped from my scalp.
“What do you mean no?” asked Diana. I could see Amelia in the doorway to Diana’s bedroom. She gave an apologetic smile.
“You not professional. Me is,” said Pierre in his garbled English. Suddenly his scary long fingers were pulling on my head.
“Ow,” I yelped again. He didn’t pay attention.
Diana huffed and raised an eyebrow.
Amelia came farther into the room. It was still hours until the wedding but she was already dressed and her hair and makeup was perfect. Her honey brown hair was curled over to one side. She wore her customary red lipstick. Her dress was white and fitted closely to her slender body. It was floor length and I thought she looked like a goddess. How was I going to compete with that? Diana and Amelia were stunning and I knew there were going to be many other gorgeous vampires I had never met at the wedding.
Pierre turned me away from the mirror before I could take in much of my appearance and began dabbing at my eye lids and my lips with all kinds of powder and gloss. Pierre was a strange looking vampire. His hair was platinum blond and long on top. He wore the long part on one side and the rest of his head was nearly shaved revealing short black pieces of hair and a peculiar shaped skull. His skin was a pale pearly white, all though it had a powdery quality. Almost as if he wore some sort of makeup. He almost always wore dark sunglasses but I had caught him without them once and found that his eyes were almost white. He was a scary sight, but I had to agree with Amelia. He was an amazing wedding planner. I couldn’t figure out why everyone was making a big deal out of our wedding. I mean, didn’t vampires and their soul mates get married all the time?
Pierre turned me back to the mirror and the beauty reflected back at me shocked me to the core.
I was stunning. “Wow,” I found myself saying again. I had a feeling I would be saying that word a lot tonight.
Pierre smirked, self-satisfied.
“You look amazing,” said Diana.
My hair was dark and shiny and my eyes looked bright and happy. My cheeks were a flushed golden pink and my lips were pale pink with a slight sheen to them. My hair was twisted in a loose up-do, the curls tamed and perfect.
“It’s perfect. Grazie Pierre,” I stood to hug him. Surprised, he hugged me back.
“Wait,” said Diana disappearing to her jewelry box set on her vanity table in her bedroom. I sat back down on the chair in her bathroom and waited. Pierre crossed his arms over his chest and Amelia was wearing a slight smile.
Diana returned with a string of diamonds in her hand. “These were my mother’s,” she said, wrapping the diamonds around my head like a headband.
“I can’t where these. They’re special to you,” I tried to remove them but she grabbed both of my hands and clasped them in hers.
“Exactly, that’s why I want you to wear them.”
“They’re beautiful,” I gasped, fighting back tears. “I wish I could have met her.”
Diana gave me a sad smile. “My mother was wonderful. She was so kind and giving. She worried about everyone but herself. She was the best. I miss her every day.”
“Jonathon doesn’t like to talk about her,” I confessed.
“Jonathon blames himself for our parents’ death. I think he always will. That’s just his personality. He takes the blame for everything.”
“I know,” I sighed sadly. “I wish he wouldn’t do that.”
“Me too,” she said, braiding her long hair into a beautiful side ponytail. “Oh wait I got you something. A wedding present,” she returned to her room and pulled a small box out of her end table. She came back and handed me the small box wrapped in white paper. I gave her a small smile before ripping the paper off.
“Oh my God,” I laughed hysterically. I held up the skimpy red lingerie. Once I started laughing I couldn’t stop. Diana and Amelia started laughing too. “Jonathon’s going to love this,” I said around my giggles. Diana had to cover her mouth.