Page 17 of Forever (Fallen 3)
“I don’t need the visual, please,” Diana continued to laugh.
“This isn’t going to cover anything,” I giggled, holding up the practically transparent fabric.
“I thought that was the point,” said Diana now serious. “I don’t know how this stuff works.”
I patted her hand. “You did good, Diana. Don’t worry. Now, I just have to get the nerve to wear it.”
“Kylie, you’re gorgeous. Just look in the mirror.”
“Thanks Diana, really. For everything. The most beautiful dress, a wedding that I know will be beyond perfect, and for being the best soon to be sister-in-law ever.”
She kissed my cheek. “I did it all because I love you and know you’d do the same for me.”
“You know it,” I smiled. “You never know, maybe your wedding will be next.”
“Maybe,” she sighed and got that faraway look that she sometimes had.
When I looked at my watch I was surprised to see that nearly two hours had passed. Butterflies flitted in my stomach again. It was almost here. My vows. I suddenly couldn’t wait. I didn’t have cold feet, if anything my feet were a little too warm. Jonathon had been perfect and the past months had been wonderful. I had moved past my grief and become my normal self again. Although, I was struggling a lot today. First, my father wasn’t alive to walk me down the aisle. I was thankful that at least I still had my brothers. They flew in last night and I had yet to see them. I wouldn’t get to see them until I took their arms to meet Jonathon at the end of the aisle. Second, Isaac was supposed to be my Man of Honor but he too was dead. His empty presence would ring sharply next to me. He was my rock, my best friend, and he was gone. And third, if I hadn’t lost the baby he would be here in my arms now. But fate had other plans and I didn’t have my baby. But what was done was done. I couldn’t change the past any more than I could predict the future. I had to hold my head high and go on. This was my day after all and nothing was going to bring me down.
Diana seemed to notice the time and jumped. “We have to get you in your dress and in the car if we’re going to make it in time.”
I smiled, “I’d hate to be late on my wedding day.”
She pulled the dress of the hanger and shooed Pierre out of the room. Amelia came over and helped Diana with the dress. There was more poof to the dress than I had originally thought and it was awkward to get in. Diana zipped it up and surveyed her handy work.
“You look stunning,” said Amelia pecking me on the cheek.
“I feel stunning,” I surveyed the beautiful dress in the mirror. I hoped Jonathon approved. I looked over at Diana. “Where’s your dress?”
She looked down and seemed to notice for the first time that she was still wearing her night things. “Oops,” she exclaimed and quickly changed into her dress. Hers too was white, only it was a one-shoulder organza dress with a black belt. It came to just above her knees. It was beautiful and I told her so. “Thanks,” she said. “It’s not too much? I can change if you don’t like it.”
I took her hand and squeezed it. “It’s beautiful Diana. You did a great job with all your designs. I don’t know how you did it.”
She mock rolled her eyes. “I’m a vampire I can do anything.”
I laughed.
“We have to go,” Amelia pointed at the door.
I smiled. “This is it.”
“This is it,” they echoed.
* * *
I rode in the back of the limo with Amelia, Diana, and Pierre. No one had told me where the wedding was being held. I was a bit scared of where we may end up. But I trusted my new family and knew it would be beautiful. It would be perfect, no matter what, because of the man that would stand next to me. As long as I was marrying Jonathon, I could be getting married in a bathroom and I wouldn’t care. It’s the person that matters, not the place.
The car wound through the streets and nerves were beginning to upset my stomach and sweat was breaking out on my forehead. Diana noticed and leaned over wiping the sweat off my brow. “Don’t worry.”
I smiled. “I’m nervous. I don’t want to fall or do something equally stupid.”
“You won’t,” she said. “And even if you did start to fall both your brothers will be there with you and not to mention a roomful of vampires with insane reflexes. You’ll be fine. And… um… speaking of your brothers… there’s been a complication so to speak.”
“A complication,” I screeched. “What do you mean? Are they not here? I’m going to kill them if they mess this up.”
“It’s nothing like that but they happened to run into Vivian and Viola.”
“And?” I prompted her to get on with it. This was my wedding day and I had more important things to worry about than my stupid older brothers.