Page 68 of Forever (Fallen 3)
“How? How is that possible?” asked Patrick, echoing my thoughts.
“She’s special,” repeated Jonathon. “I don’t know the specifics of her power but it’s true. The Seer drew this symbol,” he showed everyone her tiny little wrist, “in her book of prophecies. Simone called her a Death Walker. Basically all she said was that she can bring back the dead so that’s all I know. I don’t know the specifics and underneath it she wrote another prophecy.”
“What did it say?” I breathed.
“It says,” he began, “‘The fate of all lies in the chosen one, she is not who she is first presumed, her power is her strength, but also her downfall, protect her at all costs, she is the only hope.’”
“What does it mean she’s not who she’s first presumed?” I asked.
“I’m still working out that first part,” he grimaced.
“How do you know she’s the chosen one?” Patrick asked.
“She is,” I spoke up, surprising myself. “Sorry,” I shook my head. “I don’t know where that came from.”
Jonathon smirked. He turned to Patrick. “I know because she’s the only female dhampir ever and because Kylie just confirmed it.”
“How did I confirm it?” I asked, shocked.
“You’re the seer. You get a strong feeling about things and somehow you just know,” he smiled.
“That reminds me,” Patrick stood, rubbing his jaw, his eyes clouded with worry. “Gabriel will be here tomorrow morning.”
Jonathon let out a breath. “Good, we’ll need him.”
“Why?” Joseph asked.
“We’re going to build an army.”
* * *
It was one o’ clock in the morning and I was surprised to find that I wasn’t one bit tired. The perks of being a vampire. I held my
tiny daughter in my arms and Jonathon held our son. I knew we must look like fools the way we kept just sitting and staring at them.
I gently rubbed my daughter’s golden curls. She was an exact replica of her father except for her green eyes that she got from me.
“What are we going to name her?” asked Jonathon.
I smiled at her. “I don’t know. You pick. I picked Byren you can pick her name. I know I’ll love it,” I said.
He was thoughtful for a time and then said, “Makenna. Makenna Katherine Rose.”
I glanced over at him. “It’s perfect,” I smiled. I kissed her tiny pink cheek. “My little Makenna.” She stirred in her sleep and I smiled. I saw her silver symbol flash and I turned to Jonathon. “How come her symbol and mine are silver? Everyone else’s is black.”
Jonathon laid Ren down in the basinet and then tugged his shirt off.
I gasped. The symbol on his abdomen had turned from black to silver. “When did that happen?”
“While you were… changing.”
“Oh,” I gasped. “Has anyone else’s changed?”
“No,” he put his shirt back on.
“Why us?”
“I have no idea. Ren doesn’t have one. At least not yet. It’s all very strange.”