Page 69 of Forever (Fallen 3)
We sat for a while longer just staring at our beautiful babies. I had never seen Jonathon look so gooey-eyed before. He was completely enamored with the babies. The whole family was. We had to keep shooing different people away so that we would have time to just be a family. It was amazing how naturally our family had grown. Makenna and Ren were completely accepted. Especially, Makenna. Despite the fact that she may be our downfall, she had everyone wrapped around her tiny little finger. Particularly, Jonathon. She was already daddy’s little princess. He sang to her lovingly in Italian. And called her his, ‘mio bella piccolo angelo’, which in English was, ‘my beautiful little angel’. He was taken with Ren too, but there was something about having a daughter that had turned my vampire husband into a complete and total pansy. In a way it was comical.
I held Ren in my arms and sang softly to him. His tiny little eyes fluttered.
The front door opened and Gabriel strolled in, “I’m here,” he said gruffly like he needed to announce his presence.
“We’re aware of that,” Jonathon shook his head but couldn’t hide his smile, “Have you ever heard of this thing called knocking?”
“No, I don’t believe I have,” Gabriel snapped sarcastically.
“Oh, please Gabriel you know you love us now come here and give me a hug,” I stood, opening my arms for the dark haired brooding vampire.
He whistled, “Immortality has been good to you, Kylie.”
“Oh, please,” I snorted. “Flattery will get you nowhere, Gabriel.”
I moved Byren to my left arm and then gave Gabriel a one-armed hug. Gabriel broke away from the hug and looked down at Ren.
“He looks like you,” he stated, reaching out a hesitant finger to touch the baby’s plump cheek.
“Makenna looks like Jonathon,” I smiled over at my husband.
“Except she has Kylie eyes,” Jonathon added.
Gabriel turned to Jonathon who had gone back to cooing at our little girl.
“May I?” asked Gabriel of Jonathon. He held out his arms for Makenna and Jonathon reluctantly relinquished her.
Like everyone else, Gabriel turned to goo upon looking at Makenna.
He smiled and touched her pale pink lips. A look of sadness washed over him and I knew Gabriel was thinking of his human life, and his little baby girl that had never taken a breath. Gabriel handed the baby back to Jonathon and sat down on the couch.
He placed his hands on his knees and said, “Well, I see that the prophecy came true.”
Jonathon looked away from the baby’s face, “Thank you captain obvious. Is there anything else you’d like to enlighten us on?” Jonathon was picking up on my sarcastic remarks. I thought it was cute.
“No, I’m good,” Gabriel smirked, lifting his hands in the air.
Patrick and the others came into the living room and took up various positions around the room.
Gabriel leaned back in the arm chair. “I take it I’m not here for a pleasure visit? Your faces scream business.”
Patrick stood by the bookcase with his arms crossed. “You guessed right. We know that Makenna’s birth will mean a fight with the Originals.”
“So, you want my help,” stated Gabriel with a sigh.
“You’re the one that said that if it came to a fight with the Originals that you were in. So, you brought this upon yourself,” Jonathon eyed Gabriel.
“I did say that,” said Gabriel, “and I meant it.”
“We need not only your physical help should it come to a fight,” started Patrick. “We need your knowledge too. We need to know everything that you know about the Originals.”
“And,” Jonathon put Makenna in the basinet, “we need to build an army. We need as many vampires as we can get. I’m not naïve, the fight with Selena was hard, but this will be unlike any other. We need to be prepared. We need fighters and anyone that is willing to help.”
“I agree,” said Gabriel, “and don’t worry, it won’t be hard to find people willing to fight against the Originals.”
“Should we ask the Coven again?” suggested Patrick.
Gabriel turned to him, “It doesn’t hurt to ask.”