Page 91 of Forever (Fallen 3)
Gabriel stepped forward so that he toe to toe with the Original. He towered above Isaiah. “If she’s with any of you she isn’t safe.”
In a calm voice, Isaiah said, “Have you ever thought that maybe we aren’t the monsters you believe us to be?”
“YOU KILLED MY WIFE AND CHILD! IF THAT’S NOT A MONSTER I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS!” Gabriel’s voice echoed around the chamber we stood in. His whole body shook as he tried to restrain his anger, but it still pulsed around him.
I hadn’t taken the time to study it, having been so focused on Isaiah, but now I saw that the floors and walls were outfitted in shiny black marble. Looking up, I noticed that even the ceiling was covered in marble. But the room was empty. No chairs. No tables. Just the cold black stone.
“You have a lot of anger, Gabriel. There’s people you can talk to about that—”
With a roar, Gabriel reached for Isaiah.
The old vampire darted out of the way and a deadly dance began.
None of us dared to step forward to help him. When Gabriel got like this…he was lethal.
“Go! Through there! Kylie will know the way!” Gabriel pointed to a doorway, behind the spot where Isaiah had been standing. We sprinted towards the door as Gabriel lunged at Isaiah again.
Jonathon reached the heavy doors first and pushed them open.
Vampires, shifters, and Coven members ran down the new hallway.
Like the previous room, this too was covered in black marble.
“We’re close,” I stated.
I knew in my gut that the remaining Originals were close. Very close. And my daughter was with them. I would tear them apart for taking her from me. I would make sure they suffered while I sent them to Hell.
A small baby cry sounded and I stopped in my tracks.
“Makenna,” I whispered.
The hallway curved to the right and I sped up, unconcerned about the others following me. I had to get my baby.
If anyone tried to stop me, they were about to meet one very angry mama vampire that was not about to be trifled with.
I ran down the maze like hallways, listening to my gut as it directed the way.
I came to another set of wooden doors, these much more ornate than the previous two. The figures of the Originals were carved into the wood and outlined in real gold.
Without a seconds thought, I placed my hand on the gold knob, and turned it.
The large doors swung open slowly, revealing a surprisingly bright room for being underground…we were still underground, right?
Unlike the room Isaiah had been waiting for us in, this one was furnished ornately. It reminded me of pictures I’d seen of the Versailles palace. Instead of being black, the marble in this room was all white. The furniture was done in rich purples and reds, with gold accents. The four remaining brothers stood from where they’d been perched on the couches. One of them held Makenna and I dropped to the ground, snarling. They had my baby. I would rip them to shreds. I would—
Gabriel’s black boots blocked my vision as he stepped in front of me. I straightened, surprised to see him, I thought he was still dealing with Isaiah.
“Hello,” Gabriel’s voice was oddly cheery.
That’s when I noticed what he held in his hands.
The Original’s eyes zeroed in on the bowling ball shaped object clasped in Gabriel’s hand.
“No!” One of them cried out. “What have you done?”
“What should have been done a long time ago,” Gabriel tossed the dismembered head of Isaiah at his brothers. One of them caught it. “And good luck trying to put him back together. I burned the rest of him.” He pulled a lighter out of his pants pocket and shook it.
The four brothers were shell-shocked...but only for a moment.