Page 92 of Forever (Fallen 3)
Three of them charged forward, murderous intent clear in their eyes, while the fourth took off in the opposite direction with Makenna in his arms.
I sprinted after him. I wouldn’t let him get away with my daughter; he’d have to kill me first.
“Let her go!” I yelled. In that moment I wished I had been given a more offensive power. Being the seer didn’t help me in this situation. If I had Jonathon’s power, I could launch balls of fire at him. Even Diana’s power would have been helpful. Water could have swept his feet out from under him. But I didn’t have those powers. I’d have to rely on my brain and hope I could outsmart him.
He looked over his shoulder and sped up his pace when he noticed me charging after him.
“That’s my daughter!”
An explosion echoed behind me but I didn’t dare turn my head.
He fled down a set of spiral steps and I was right on his heels.
A part of me wanted to reach out and grab the dark haired vampire, but I was scared he’d drop Makenna.
“She’s my sister!” He spat in response to my previous statement.
“You’re wrong!” I yelled, wanting to smash his stubborn skull against the wall.
Steps sounded behind me and I prayed that they were ‘friendly’. I didn’t have time to look over my shoulder and see who it was.
I caught up to the Original vampire, while he was fast, his vampire senses had been weakened by age. I circled in front of him and he was forced to stop, the hall to narrow for him to pass, unless he shoved me.
From the look of fear on his face, I figured he was as scared to act as I was. Neither of us wanted to hurt the baby. I could use that to my advantage…I hoped.
“Give. Me. My. Daughter. I won’t ask you again,” I held my arms out.
“I’d listen to her if I were you,” Jonathon placed a flaming blue hand on the man’s shoulder. He screamed in pain as the flames consumed his clothes.
He was forced to let go of Makenna and I caught her easily, cradling her to my chest.
Her cries softened as she inhaled my familiar scent. “Mommy’s got you,” I murmured, “and I’m never letting you go.”
The vampire’s screams were piercing to my ears. I turned my back to him, shielding Makenna from the blaze.
When the vampire was nothing but ash, I turned back around to face my husband.
“Are the others dead? The Originals?” I was scared to hope.
He nodded. “Between me and Gabriel, the others were bored,” he chuckled. “I never knew this would come in so handy.” He held his hand in front of my face and blue flames flickered between his fingers.
“Still,” I said sadly, “not everyone survived.” I eyed the small group left. I spotted Tyson. At least one of Isaac’s friends had made it out alive.
“No,” he pulled me to him, “they didn’t.”
We stood in the hallway, waiting for everyone to join us. I was bit scared to see who we might have lost…everything had become chaos the moment we stepped into the compound and my sole focus had been on getting Makenna back.
Gabriel, of course, was the first one to join us. I spotted Aiden and Viola, still in one pice but looking exhausted…but I didn’t see my mom.
“Mom?” I called. “Mom?”
And then she appeared.
I handed Makenna to Jonathon and ran into my mom’s arms. For a second there, I thought I had lost her when I had only just gotten her back.
She held me close, running her fingers through my hair. “It’s okay, Kylie,” she soothed me. “I’m right here.”
“I love you, mom,” I told her fiercely.