Page 2 of Watching Mine
Seconds later, just as her body stiffens from her orgasm, intense pleasure shoots up my cock and spurts out the tip. A grunt leaves the back of my throat as ropes of cum land on my belly and chest.
Fuck, that was good.
The woman’s body relaxes against the pillow, her breathing matching my shallow pants as we both recover together. I may be fucked in the head, but the thought of her and me coming together, like we’re actually in the same room, keeps me just as hard as I was before.
After several moments, she gets up from the bed, grabs the robe at the end, slips it on, and walks into the bathroom, where I know she’s going to take a shower. I get up from my chair and walk into my own bathroom. Letting my jeans drop to the floor, I step under the spray to clean the cum from my chest and stomach.
I walk out of my room, grab a beer from the fridge, and chug half of it down before taking it to the bar with me. I glance over to the window and see her bedroom lights are off. This is typical. On Tuesday nights, she comes home, undresses, gets herself off, showers, then goes straight to bed. Most of the rest of the week, she’s gone
It wouldn’t take much for me to find out her name and where she goes when she isn’t home, but I don’t want to know. I’m not sure if I’ll ever really meet her, but until I do, I want to keep part of her a mystery.
I sit on one of the stools, grab my laptop, and although I work on the emails I’ve missed since leaving work, my mind isn’t far from the tempting woman in the apartment building across from mine.
WHEN I STEP OUT INTO THE COOL Atlanta weather, my phone vibrates. I pull the device from my pocket and look at the screen.
Asher calling.
I hit Accept and bring the phone to my ear.
“Where are you?” he demands by way of greeting.
I used to work for Asher Knight as one of his security guards. Since opening my own business two years ago, I’ve picked him up as a client. We’ve also become friends.
“Heading to the office,” I answer. “What’s wrong?”
“I found Larry asleep in the control room,” he growls. “He’s headed back to your office with a few less teeth and a couple of black eyes. And he better be grateful I didn’t do more. Luckily, Samuel was with him and noticed when the guy came out of the shadows after my
wife. Get rid of him, Nathan, or I will.”
“Fuck,” I snarl, anger locking my body tight. “How’s Poppy?”
“The guy shoved her, and she hit her head. She says she’s fine.” I hear soft murmuring on Asher’s end. “But I’m taking her to the hospital anyway,” he finishes louder, like he’s not only telling me, but Poppy as well.
Larry is a very lucky man to still be walking around. One thing you don’t do is fuck with Asher Knight’s wife. The man is completely obsessed with her. As in he watched her for a year, broke into her house at night to watch her, put cameras in each room, had a tracking device on her car, and controlled the dating site she was signed up for. He even went as far as disposing of a man who had dirty plans for Poppy. The only reason I know all this is because when I took him on as a client he explained to me the lengths he would go to protect Poppy and keep her happy. His words were, “She’s the most important thing. She’s to be protected at any and all costs, above anything else.”
So yeah, had the damage been worse than a bump on the head, I’m sure Larry would’ve been carried out of Silver Technologies, versus him walking out on his own two feet.
“I’ll take care of it.”
Anger spikes as I think about Larry and what I would like “taking care of it” to mean. Self-loathing slides in beside the anger. I hired him against my better judgement. I had a feeling during the interview that the guy couldn’t hack what was required for this type of job. I don’t run a mediocre business. We aren’t rent-a-cops you see in shopping centers. Each person I hire goes through an extensive background check. Each person must have the capability and willingness to take down a threat, even at the expense of their own well-being. Danger is part of the job, but you still do it knowing that danger. The companies my men work with are big corporations with rich and powerful men. My men don’t have to like every client they work with, but they better fucking protect them with their life.
Asher uses my company because I made him believe it was worth the risk of switching from who he used before. Larry not doing his job, which could have ended a hell of a lot worse for Poppy, makes me look incompetent. I’m not fucking incompetent, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let someone make me and Reines Security look as such.
“I’ll have someone new sent to your office within the hour,” I tell Asher as I make my way down the street. My car’s parked around the corner down an alley.
“You do that. And make sure this one isn’t a fuckup.”
I bite back a retort, not liking his tone, but knowing he’s right. It was my fuckup to hire Larry in the first place. Reines is my company and it’s my job to ensure the clients are satisfied. There’s no room for mistakes.
I hang up and pocket my phone. I’m just getting ready to turn the corner just past my apartment building, when I look across the street. I stop and slowly turn. A woman, the woman, is walking down the street. She has her head bent as she looks down at her phone. She’s wearing a pair of black dress slacks, a gray silk shirt, and her blonde hair is pulled back on the sides with two clips, the rest flowing down her back. Her steps are slow, like she’s distracted by what she’s looking at on her phone.