Page 3 of Watching Mine
She’s passing by me, and before I realize it, my feet are moving to keep up with her. I’ve never seen her outside of her apartment, and now that I have, I’m enthralled even more. The closest I’ve allowed myself to her is from my apartment to hers. I’ve purposely not pursued her, because I’m not the type to chase anyone. But now that she’s here, in the flesh, just feet from me….
There’s four lanes of traffic between her and me. Horns blare and people yell, but she keeps her head down, focused. I should be on my way to the office to take care of the Larry situation, but I still follow her.
She turns down a street and walks inside a coffee shop. Leaning against a brick wall, I pull my phone out and check the time. I’ve got a meeting in an hour. Putting the phone back, I snag the pack of cigarettes from my jacket pocket, and light one up as I wait. It’s a habit I indulge in occasionally, and right now, I fucking indulge.
It’s not long before she’s walking back out of the coffee shop and restarts her trek. A couple blocks later, she stops again. This time for no apparent reason. She just stops and looks up and down the street, before bringing her phone to her ear. I look at the buildings on either side of her. A clothing store, a law office, and a sandwich shop.
I slip the sunglasses I have in my pocket over my eyes and wait with her. People mill about; some walk in front of her and some behind her. Time ticks by, and I know I’m taking a chance of being late for my appointment. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I know it’s Willow calling to find out where I am. I ignore it and just watch the woman.
Several minutes later, a dark-blue newer model car pulls up to the curb. The smile that spreads across the woman’s face as she walks over to it is stunning. Whoever it is, she’s happy to see them.
She opens the door, but right before she gets inside, her head lifts and her eyes lock with mine. I don’t look away, and I don’t move a muscle. My glasses shield my eyes, but I have no doubt she knows I’m looking at her. Her brow wrinkles as her gaze stays connected with mine. I still can’t quite tell the color of them, but they’re light.
She looks at me for several more seconds, before she dips and gets into the waiting car. I keep my eyes on it until it pulls away from the curb and turns down a side street out of view.
I start walking back the way I came from, knowing damn good and well I just made a huge mistake. I’ve been able to keep my curiosity at bay, but that shit’s out the window now. Seeing her through the lenses of my binoculars and seeing her in person are two different things. From my apartment, in my mind at least, she was still unattainable, almost not real, just a fantasy. But she is real. She’s very fucking real. And the real-life woman is so much more than the fantasy one who gets herself off in front of me through a window. So real, that I walk back to the alley where my car is parked with a dick as hard as steel.
I STAND AND SHAKE THE MAN’S HAND. “We’re glad to have you on board, Mr. Holder. I’ll have my secretary send over the necessary paperwork this afternoon.”
I walk the newest client of Reines Security out of my office and to the bank of elevators. As I pass by Willow’s desk, her smile is big, having overheard Mr. Holder’s acceptance of my offer. I keep my expression neutral, but fuck if it doesn’t feel good. Mr. Holder owns quite a few lucrative businesses and will be a big asset for Reines Security.
At the elevators, Mr. Holder turns back to me. “I’ve got a trip out west in a few weeks.”
I nod. “Send over your schedule, and I’ll have a couple of guys set up to go with you.”
“Very good, Nathan.”
We shake hands again, then he walks into the elevator and the doors close behind him.
When I turn back to Willow, her grin has grown. She claps twice and bounces in her seat. The woman is fucking crazy, but I’m glad she enjoys her job so much she gets excited about new clients. I’m also glad she never let what happened between her, Tegan, and me make things awkward. We don’t have the typical boss and employee relationship. I’ve had my dick in her mouth and she’s watched me come across my belly. While that’s only happened once, and I don’t see Tegan letting it happen again, I have watched the two of them together several times. I could tell those first few days at work after the first time were weird for her, but it didn’t last long. Tegan found the perfect woman that day when he helped her with her flat tire.
“I’ll start right away on the contract and have it sent over immediately,” she says, already typing away at her computer.
“Thanks,” I grunt and walk back to my office.
I take a seat and gather all the paperwork on my desk from my meeting with Mr. Holder. When I started this business two years ago, I started fresh, with no clients at all. The only thing I had was a location. I worked my ass off those first few months getting shit together. It was three months before I had my first client, and two months after that I had my second. Including Mr. Holder, we now have thirteen. For eight years I’ve wanted to open my own security firm, and now that I have, that shit feels real fucking good.
I stand and walk to the window. The building that houses Reines Security is small. Big enough to fit what I need at the moment, but small enough that if things keep going like I want, I’ll need a bigger space. We’re on the third floor, so I look down at the people walking about doing whatever people do. My eyes flick back and forth, from person to person. Even at a young age, I was a people watcher. I don’t watch them because I’m curious about their lives. I watch them to observe. I like to see what they do, their mannerisms, their facial expressions, their reactions to what’s going on around them. Reading people comes easy for me.
It’s different when I watch people have sex though. It’s their faces I watch the most when they’re receiving pleasure. I like to know what brings on that pleasure and how intense it is for them. I like to see the flush on their skin and the sweat coating their bodies.
My eyes stop on a couple across the street, hidden in a small alcove. They have their arms wrapped around each other and their lips locked together. The kiss is slow and languid. There’s nothing erotic about the embrace. It’s a very sweet encounter between two lovers, but it still sends blood to my cock. I’m a fucked-up motherfucker for turning something so innocent into something so carnal in my mind. I give not one fuck though. Those people don’t know me, and they’ll never know that I’m imagining the guy shoving the girl around, yanking up her dress, and sinking balls-deep into her pussy.
With my dick half-hard, I turn back around and retake my seat. The couple from the street is forgotten only seconds later.
I WALK THROUGH THE DOORS OF Blackie’s and head straight for the bar. As I walk acr
oss the heavily populated room, I notice several of my friends at our usual high-top table. Willow is sitting, with Tegan standing to the side of her chair. He has his hands up her skirt as he whispers something in her ear. My stomach tightens with the thought of watching the two together.
Abby is there as well, talking with some woman I’ve never seen before.
I spot an opening at the end of the bar, and I take it. Blackie’s is very popular. It’s not your typical club. Things happen here you don’t normally see. It’s not uncommon to see a man with a woman shoved up against the wall, his hips rocking as he fucks her for anyone to see. Or a woman with her skirt pulled up giving off a shadowed view of her pussy. Delicate sensibilities are left at the door, and if you’re not into kinky sex, then you best just keep walking. It’s against policy to blatantly have sex in the open, but if it’s hidden, leaving only hints of the act, you’re good to go. People can be very creative when it comes to sex, and half the people here know how to have it without advertising it. We all know what’s going on though. A woman facing her man sitting in his lap, her skirt hiding her ass as she slowly rocks back and forth. Yeah, she’s riding his dick, no doubt.