Page 4 of Watching Mine
I order a couple shots of Jameson from Nikki, the bartender, then turn to the dance floor. I watch couples grind on each other, one with the woman’s skirt pushed up to just barely show off the valley between her legs. Another woman has her leg hiked over her man’s hip, his hand digging in the flesh of her ass as they dry hump each other. Won’t be long before it’s no longer dry.
Colt, Abby’s husband, walks up beside me and orders a beer.
“How’s it going?” he asks over the loud music.
I tip my chin at him. “Good.”
Nikki sets both my shots and Colt’s beer on the bar. I reach back for both of mine. I tip my first shot up to him, then shoot it back. It burns so fucking good going down. I throw back the second one, then lift my hand for two more.
When I first met Colt, I couldn’t stand the guy, pegging him for someone who was only going to end up hurting Abby, someone I would do damn near anything for. I’ve seen how hard Abby struggles with her addiction, how hard she used to try to be normal, to have a normal relationship. I’ve seen her pain over and over again when she realized being normal isn’t in the cards for her. The sadness in her eyes because she knew she would never have the chance to get married and have children.
When Colt started coming around, I assumed he would be like all the others and was just there to use her for sex. Abby’s not the typical sex addict. She goes through painful withdrawals if she doesn’t have sex on a daily basis. When men find this out, their dicks turn to stone, thinking they have a free pass to all the pussy they want. They don’t look at her as a human, they only see a warm hole to stick their dicks in anytime they want, and when they get tired, they move on.
I was surprised and impressed when Colt stuck around, even knowing there was a chance that Abby may eventually be in a situation that would force her to have sex with someone who wasn’t him. It takes balls of steel to willingly enter a relationship knowing their lover may be forced to stray. Fortunately, they’ve formed a system that works for them that ensures that’s not a possibility.
We both turn our backs to the bar to face the dance floor. I hear a rumbled growl from Colt, and I look over at him, then follow his eyes across the room. His sister, Tera, is on the dance floor with Lukas Black, the owner of this place. There’s not an inch of space between the two. His leg is wedged between hers, and it’s plain to anyone watching she’s grinding down on his thigh. Her hands are wrapped in his hair and his face is buried in her neck. Each hand has a handful of ass.
“I’m going to fucking kill that bastard one day,” Colt mutters darkly.
“No, you won’t,” I state, almost laughing at his declaration. I don’t know what Colt’s issue is with Lukas, but I get the sense that hatred is years old.
He scowls at me. “You’re right, I won’t, but that doesn’t stop the visions from forming in my head.”
He grabs his beer and chugs half of it down. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he keeps his eyes on the two when he growls, “What in the fuck is he doing on the dance floor anyway? He’s never on the dance floor.”
“Would you rather him be alone in his office with her?”
His eyes narrow. “Doesn’t make much difference. People fuck all the time out here.”
I grab my remaining shot, down it, then slap Colt on the back. “Yeah, but at least no one would see if they were in his office.”
I walk away, but still hear the snarled “fuck you” from Colt.
When Abby sees me walking toward their table, she smiles and opens her arms. I walk straight to her and envelop her in my arms. I feel a presence at my back and know Colt is standing there. Probably with blazing anger in his eyes. Although we get along now, he still hates mine and Abby’s close relationship. Tegan, Ava, and I were her only true friends for years. We’ve always been there for each other; that includes when we needed partners to satisfy our needs. I’ve been Abby’s sexual relief multiple times, and Colt despises that. I’d tell the guy to just get over it already, but I can’t really blame him. Abby and I haven’t been together since she started seeing Colt, and as long as she has Colt there will never be a reason for her to need me. He knows this, and that’s the only reason he allows it, but it still has to bite his ass knowing I’ve had her.
Doesn’t mean I don’t get a little satisfaction when he gets pissed when Abby hugs me. It’s an asshole move, but I’ve never denied being an asshole. Abby was mine before she was his, and I don’t mean in the physical sense.
My arms tighten around Abby when I feel the heat coming from Colt behind me.
Fingers dig hard into my ribs, and I wince. “Stop it,” Abby says in my ear.
I release her and pull back. Her eyes look serious, but her lips twitch. I think she secretly likes that Colt is so possessive of her. She’s never had that before.
I take the seat beside her and ignore the glare Colt shoots my way as he scoots her chair further away from me. I chuckle.
She wraps her arms around his waist and smiles up at him. The scowl leaves his face as he cages her in with his arms and kisses her. Even over the loud music, I can hear his deep groan. He leans deeper into her, and one of her hands lands on his ass and squeezes. The show has my dick twitching.
“Hey, yo!” Tegan calls across the table. “You two knock it off. Exhibitionism is my thing.”
Colt pulls back with a grunt, while Abby laughs, then sticks her tongue out at Tegan.
“So, what’s the big news?” Tegan asks.
Colt and Abby share a look before Abby looks from me, to Willow, then back to Tegan, a smile curving her lips.
“We’re having a baby,” she shouts excitedly, bouncing in her chair.
“Oh, my, God!” Willow shouts. She shoves Tegan back, jumps from her chair, and runs around to Abby, where she pulls her into a tight hug.