Page 54 of Watching Mine
“Okay,” she responds, and hugs the elephant with both arms. “Thank you for my flowers and elephant. I’ll make sure to have a name for him the next time I see you.”
After Emberleigh tells Avery she’s going to walk me to my car and she’ll be back with her medicine and the vase of flowers, we leave the room and make our way downstairs. She carries the tray to the kitchen while I wait at the door. I smile to myself when I overhear her mother asking about me through the kitchen door. I can’t hear Emberleigh’s reply, but I notice her flushed face when she emerges a moment later.
“Mom and Dad wanted to come say goodbye, but they’re eating dinner,” she says when she stops by the front door.
I smirk because she’s full of shit. I may not have heard most of her conversation with them, but I did catch snippets of her telling her mom to not come out here.
Opening the door, she walks out first, and I follow. Once we’re at my truck, I push her body against it with my own, and swallow her gasp of surprise with my mouth, swirling my tongue against her lips. She opens, and I dive inside. She tastes like cinnamon. I want more, so much fucking more, but I refrain, keeping it mildly innocent.
I do rest my body against hers though, letting her feel my hard cock against her lower stomach. Her hands clutch the material of my shirt and she moans softly against my mouth, letting me know just what I’m doing to her.
With a groan, I pull back. Her eyes flutter open, slightly dazed.
I push back some hair that’s fallen in her face. “Let me know when she’s better and you’re free.”
She nods, but then verbalizes, “I will. Sorry I had to cancel tonight.”
“No need to apologize. Kids always come first.”
She swallows, then nods again. “Thank you for stopping by.” She frowns. “How did you know where my parents live?”
“I saw a piece of mail on your counter several days ago with your name and this address. I took a chance that this was their house.”
“Snooping around, huh?” she inquires mischievously.
I chuckle and tap my temple. “Just a really good memory. I briefly noticed it, but the address stayed in my head because I used to have a friend who lived on the next street over.”
“Oh wow, small world.”
I press my lips against hers once more, then pull back. “Go,” I order. “Before I’m tempted to kidnap and have my way with you.”
Giggling, she takes a step back, then another. “It wouldn’t be kidnapping if I went willingly.”
“Don’t tempt me, woman,” I growl playfully.
Her giggle turns to a laugh, and fuck if that doesn’t make me want to steal her away even more. She turns and flounces up the walkway, her ass looking entirely way too good in her tight jeans. When she reaches the door, she turns back and blows me a kiss before waving and walking inside.
I get in my truck, start it, and pull away, really damn glad of the sudden impulse that hit me to go see her. Let’s just hope it’ll tide me over until I can see her again.
IT’S TUESDAY, AND I’M AT MY window again looking through my binoculars. I haven’t had to do this for a few weeks now. The last couple of Tuesdays I’ve been with Emberleigh, and the one before that we were on the phone when we both talked each other into orgasms. We were supposed to be together tonight, but Emberleigh called this morning, saying she had something she had to take care of and may not be home until late. It’s 11:00 p.m., and she just walked in the door. I’ve seen her once since the evening I stopped by her parents’ house, which was three days ago.
As usual, my dick perks up at the sight of her. She drops her purse on the table by the couch and enters the mouth of the hallway. A moment later, she appears in her bedroom, the sweater she was wearing already off. It gets dropped on the bed.
I’m curious to see how tonight goes. We haven’t had a normal Tuesday in a while, and I’m not sure if I want one or not. I love watching Emberleigh touch herself—it not only stimulates my body, but my mind as well—but having my hands on her myself… fuck if that isn’t so much better.
She pulls off the tank top and throws it in the bin beside the bathroom door, leaving her in a pair of jeans and a light pink bra. Walking into the bathroom, she closes the door behind her. Ten minutes later, she emerges, freshly washed with her hair pulled up into a messy bun and a white towel wrapped around her, leaving her slim legs and sexy shoulders and arms bare. I can’t see them, but I know there are water droplets on her skin. I want to lick them off, and once I capture them all with my tongue, I want to feast on the rest of her. I bet her pussy’s wet right now and would taste so fucking delicious.
I debate on walking over and seeing for myself, but decide against it. It’s late, and I know she has to get up early for class. I’m ravenous for her, so if I go over there, it’ll be hours before she finds sleep. However, a phone call would appease part of my appetite. It’s not as satisfying as having my hands on her, but hearing her moans through a speaker is better than just watching her pleasure herself.
She sits on the side of the bed that’s facing the window. I take my phone from my pocket and look away from her to pull up her number. I’m just about to push the little phone icon by her name when the device vibrates, then a second later her name appears on my screen. Both surprised and pleased, I glance up and look through the window. Not through the binoculars this time. Even without them I can see her, just not as well. I can barely make out her lowered head. I bring the binoculars back to my eyes to see her better. She’s staring at her lap, and her free hand fiddles with the edge of the towel.
Without looking at the screen, I accept the call and bring it to my ear. “Hey, beautiful,” I greet.