Page 55 of Watching Mine
I frown when her voice comes out hesitant and not the cheery tone it usually is.
“Everything okay?”
Through the binoculars, I watch her lift her head and look out the window in front of her. “Yeah. Everything’s fine.”
I don’t believe her. Not only because of the uncertainty in her tone, but from the worry lines appearing between her eyes.
She gets up from the bed, walks to the window, and places her palm against the glass. She looks lost in thought as she gazes out into the night, but no less beautiful standing there with the outside darkness surrounding her. The light in the room behind her sort of gives her a glow.
She starts tracing invisible lines on the glass. “What are you doing right now?” she asks quietly.
“Standing at my window.” I decide the truth is best.
Her finger stops and a small smile forms on her face. I stay quiet, letting her lead the conversation. There’s obviously something on her mind, so I give her time to decide if she wants to talk about it. The tracing resumes.
“I have a secret,” she says after a moment of silence.
Intrigued by her revelation, I grin and ask, “What kind of secret?”
She doesn’t answer right away, but what she does do has me gritting my teeth to keep back a groan. She reaches up, grips the towel tucked between her breasts, and tugs it free. The cotton material falls from her hand and lands at her feet, leaving her bare-ass-fucking naked. My legs lock tight as my dick grows impossibly hard in my jeans at the sight of her gorgeous body.
“Something that might make you mad at me,” she says in a low voice.
It takes me a minute to remember what my question was. She has a secret. One that will possibly make me mad at her. I wrack my brain tryin
g to think of what it could be, and come up empty. Of course, if could be because half the blood in my body has rushed to my dick so my brain isn’t functioning at a hundred percent.
“I’m sure it’s not as bad as you’re thinking,” I try to reassure her, really wanting to know this secret of hers.
She drops her head again, but her hand goes back to the window. She stays that way for several moments. I’m trying really damn hard to control my body in light of her worried state, but when her chest rises and falls and her nipples damn near touch the glass, it become very fucking difficult.
When she lifts her head again, her eyes go straight to my apartment and I freeze in place. With the lights off behind me, shrouding me in darkness, I know she can’t see my form, but she’s looking in the general direction of where I am. She may not be looking directly at me, but her eyes look as if she knows I’m here and she’s searching for me.
I hold my breath, wondering where in the hell this is going, and fearing I already know. Her quiet voice sounds over the phone.
“I know you watch me, Nathan. I’ve known for over a year.”
The hand holding the binoculars starts to shake, and I will it to stop. Gritting my teeth, I try my best to gather my shit and keep it under control.
What surprises the hell out of me the most isn’t that she knows, but the lack of anger in her tone. No, if anything, she sounds timid, like she expects me to be angry, which confuses the fuck out of me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before,” she continues softly. “I liked that you watched me. I liked… touching myself for you, hoping you got off too. It was exciting and naughty because you’re over there and I’m here, and you thought I didn’t know. I didn’t want it to stop, even though I love it even more when you’re with me.”
She stops talking and curls her fist against the window, her gaze still directed at my apartment. I go from strung tight with worry to having a dick as hard as stone in ten seconds flat. All I can do is stare at her, fucking amazed at what she said, and so goddamn relieved she’s not threatening to kick my ass.
“Nathan?” she asks apprehensively.
“Stay there,” I growl, and drop the binoculars to the chair. “Stay right fucking there and don’t move.”
I hang up before she has a chance to respond and stalk across my apartment and out the door. I bypass the elevator, which would take too long. Taking the stairs two at a time, I’m out of my apartment building a minute later and jogging across the street. I skip her elevator as well, and in no time I’m in front of her apartment door.
I take a moment to calm my raging hormones. My body is vibrating with pent-up need; some I already felt from not seeing her in over a day, but most from the revelation she just gave me. I’ve been so goddamn worried how she would react to me watching her without her knowledge. To know she’s known for over a year, and she actually liked it… fuck if that doesn’t set fire to my blood. She’s fucking perfect. There’s no other way to describe it.
I take a deep breath and work at cooling down my body a fraction, so I don’t pounce on her the second I see her. I give myself ten seconds, and hope like hell I’ve reined it in enough. Using the key she gave me a few days ago to grab something from her apartment for her, I unlock the door and step over the threshold.