Page 28 of Perfect (#Hashtag 1)
I tell Vincent, the whole story about the fight, everything I just told Liam and when we’re done, Vincent keeps looking at Liam and finally I realize why he’s doing it. “Vince,” I say. “Liam’s a friend. You can trust him. He’s here to help.”
“If you say so,” Vince says but I can tell he’s not convinced. “Look. I’ll go check out the fight just text me the location. Let me think about this, and I’ll tell you what you have to do. I’ll be off now; I’ll catch you in a bit. Give my regards to Teague; tell him I’ll see him tomorrow.”
“Sure,” I say and watch as Vincent leaves.
The doctor comes out of Teague’s room and Liam and I go in. Teague is in the process of putting on his jacket but it’s impossible to do so I help him put it on and he looks at Liam. “Friend of yours?”
“That’s Liam,” I say. “I took a position in his company.”
“You got a job?” Teague asks. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“When did you give me a chance to speak?”
“I’m sorry,” Teague says. “So what’s the job?”
“I’ll tell you if you promise not to laugh,” I say, as we both head out of the room.
“I don’t think I can laugh,” Teague says and the minute he moves just a little, I can see that he’s in pain despite all the medication the doctors have given him. Liam and I have to help him to the door and then through the hallways.
“I’m going to be a model,” I say at last.
“What?” Teague says.
“Is it really that much of a crazy thought?”
He turns to Liam. “You’re serious about this thing?”
“I’m always serious about something of this magnitude,” Liam says. “Sebastian’s face is exactly what one of our clients’ was interested in.”
“Sure he’s not interested in more than your face, Pretty Boy?” Teague says, gesturing to my face. “You know the modeling world is full of molesting assholes.”
“Seriously, Teague?” My anger at Teague resurfaces. “You’re going to tell me how to be responsible now?”
Teague says nothing for a second. “Guess I deserve that.”
We somehow make it to the limo and get Teague in. Then Liam and I get in too and Steven starts driving. Teague is sitting next to me, and Liam sits across from us and opens the minibar. He takes out some whiskey and pours it for all three of us. Teague takes a pill and downs it with whiskey and I want to kick him for doing it. “You shouldn’t mix alcohol with drugs, Teague!”
“Shut up, Mom.”
The anger that I had somehow managed to keep in for this long, suddenly implodes. “You know what, Teague. I’m seriously getting tired of your shit.”
“What shit?”
“You treat me like I’m a kid, like, the whole time but you know what? You’re the baby, Teague! Because I feel like I’m constantly picking up after you! You’ve been going to these fights for a month now and it feels like an eternity! And every minute it makes me afraid of what’s going to happen next! You have me lying to everyone! Including Mia! Who is supposed to be your girlfriend, Teague! The one person you should never lie to! And if you do, then don’t ask me to cover up!”
Teague looks at me. “This is really bothering you, isn’t it?”
“Fuck Teague,” I say. “What’s bothering me, is this! What you’re doing to yourself! Can’t you see self-harming behavior when you see it? What the hell are you doing going to those stupid fights, Teague? Why would you risk your life like that?”
He goes completely silent.
“Sebastian,” Liam says. “Maybe give him a break right now. I’m sure you can discuss whatever’s bothering you later…”
“No,” Teague interjects. “Sebastian’s right. I mean he got a new job and I didn’t even bother to ask. I didn’t even know he wanted to become a model. I’m a pathetic excuse for a friend. And Sebastian you’re always there for me. I might be an idiot sometimes and too wrapped up in my own shit, but I know you’re just looking out for me. Today, I did something stupid. I made a mistake that I won’t ever make again.”
“It could just have easily been you,” I blurt out.
No one says anything so I continue. “The other guy, what happened to him, it could just as easily have been you, Teague!”