Page 29 of Perfect (#Hashtag 1)
“I know,” Teague says.
“One more drink, guys?” Liam asks, clearly to lighten the mood and change the subject.
But it doesn’t work.
The awkward silence hangs about in the air like a dark, storm cloud, ready to erupt.
The Secret
It takes all of mine and Liam’s strength to get Teague to my room in the newly-constructed house that I have been living in for the past few months. This is the house that I was going to get good memories in and now Teague is dragging his bloody footsteps on my carpet. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care about the cleanup that’s not why I’m concerned, it’s what the bloody carpet implies, that’s what I can’t wrap my head around.
We place Teague on the couch and he’s plenty drugged out because he isn’t screaming on every movement and looks like he’s about to pass out any time. I bring a blanket and place it over Teague’s body and make sure he’s comfortable before I say good bye to Liam. We’re standing in the hallway, and Liam still looks worried. “If you need anything, just call.”
“Thanks, Liam. And I will.”
“I hope you mean that, Sebastian.”
It’s strange but I like the idea that I can go to someone for help. It’s been a while since anyone made that kind of offer. My own parents wanted me out of the house soon as I was in high school but their behavior had always taught me rely on my own self so I guess I’m used to living that way by now. “Liam,” I say. “I honestly don’t know how to thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, please.”
“It’s just…I feel like I barely even know you and now you’re being dumped by all this stuff because of me.”
“Sebastian,” Liam says. “You aren’t dumping anything I’m happy to be of help. And I haven’t done much.”
“How about you go and take care of your friend?” Liam says. “Call me when he’s feeling better and then we can make some plans.”
“What about the shoot tomorrow?”
“We can reschedule. Leave that to me.”
“Just give me a couple of days to get my head around the fact that my friend might have murdered someone.”
“Hey,” Liam says. “You don’t know if he’s dead yet.”
“Look, that guy’s probably fine. I don’t think your friend is capable of killing someone.”
“You weren’t there, Liam. I saw his eyes…it’s like he was possessed.”
“Do you think maybe he would benefit from some therapy?”
“He refuses to do anything that makes him seem less cool.”
“Are you sure? Because I know someone who can help.”
“I’ll ask him. For now, I think we just have to wait.”
“At least Vince will make sure he’s not in trouble, right?”
“Yeah. Vince is pretty reliable.”
“Good. Then I’ll see you later, Sebastian.”