Page 55 of Rory vs. Rockstar
“I wasn’t expecting myself to come here either.”
“Then what made you come here?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“I am not sure it is. Do you need another T-shirt?” Rory said drily.
“I need more than that.”
“Arsen…” Rory hesitated.
“Rory. Enough. You have lived all your life in fear and doubts. Where has it gotten you all these years? What has it ever done for you?” Arsen paused. His words echoed the same thoughts that were running around her head not so long ago. Arsen took a couple of steps toward her.
“You doubt my actions or the lack of them. You’re suspicious of everything surrounding me and you’re not sure about my lifestyle. And all this when you haven’t even been a part of it yet? Are you really willing to let go of all that we could be, because of unfounded doubts?”
“Arsen, I have fallen too often to make the same mistakes again.”
“So have I. But I still think that when something as wonderful as this comes along, it is well worth the gamble.”
“Rory. There is no one else. There is nothing else. Forget the rest of the world. It is between you and me. It has always been you for me… ever since I got to know you for who you truly are. Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t have the feeling that this could be something special?” Arsen was right in front of her now, staring deep into her soul.
Something stirred in her. Passion? Emotion? Hope? Dear God, no hope, please. She folder her arms over her chest.
“Tell me you don’t feel even an ounce of what I feel and I will walk away
for good.”
“Tell me that you didn’t think about me even once since you saw me last?”
“Arsen, please…”
“Tell me you aren’t happy to see me right now?”
“Arsen, please!” Rory replied, much louder than she intended. He held her by the wrists, gently but with a hint of possession, his face much closer to hers than she had realized.
“Rory,” Arsen said sternly. ”What is this?” he demanded to know. His gaze was fire. His eyes studied her, looking for answers.
“I wanna be with you, Rory, now and forever. I want to love you for who you are. I want to love you more than anything else in the world. I want my entire being to come alive when you fix those eyes of yours on me. I want it to be just you and me, in our secret bubble, away from everything else in the world. ”
A wall came crumbling down inside of her, her eyes welling up as she finally saw the truth in his face, in his eyes, in his words. The ache of loneliness and turmoil left her heart. This man really did see what was special in her. This man really did see the side of her that everyone else did not. This man had not pressured her to be a certain way. He accepted her for who she was.
Rory didn’t wait for her thoughts to complete as she lunged at Arsen, who instantly lifted her up in his arms. Their lips intertwined. Even with their eyes closed, they could see each other and feel the great connection, the electrifying energy that one can feel at the start of a great love. This is really something special, Rory thought.
Rory exhaled with a sound as they split apart. Arsen was smiling. A smile of innocence, a smile of happiness on his face. The smile of a man who had finally won the battle.
“So are you going to help me with that T-shirt or not?” Arsen joked. Rory hit him playfully and leaned in to kiss him again.
“OH MY GOD!” They both turned at the sound of a voice. Lizzy was back in the shop and her jaw had dropped to the floor to see Arsen not just present there, but with his arms wrapped around Rory.
“Is this a dream? Is this what I think it is? Is it? Has it?” Lizzy was hysterical, her confusion answered with shy laughter from Rory.
“Yes, Lizzy. It’s true. Rory is now much more than just my T-shirt designer,” Arsen grinned.