Page 56 of Rory vs. Rockstar
“T-shirt designer?” Lizzy was still confused. The look on her face was hilarious and Rory couldn’t stop laughing.
Arsen turned to Rory and kissed her gently on the lips. A quick peck. He knew Rory would be embarrassed in the presence of Lizzy were he to launch into one of his delicious kisses.
“Aww. You two are the cutest. When you called me in the morning, I didn’t know you would be in Montcove so soon,” Lizzy said to Arsen.
“Wait, what?” Rory asked. “This is your doing?”
“Oops. Guilty as charged.” Lizzy smiled sheepishly. “I told you that he wasn’t like the rest of them. That’s why I’ve been in touch with him since we left LA.”
“You have?” Rory raised a brow and then looked at Arsen, who just shrugged.
“I owed you one. After all that you did for me, Rory, I just had to return the favor. I knew you were hurting without…”
“No, I was not,” Rory cut her off as Arsen looked at her with a self-satisfied smile. “Anyway, enough of that.”
Thankfully for Rory, Lizzy quickly changed the topic.
“I got some yummy food from Martha and I’m starving,” she said.
“And looks like we have plenty of food for you, too.” Rory turned to Arsen.
“But do you have room for me here?” Arsen asked.
“What do you mean?”
“The first time I was in your house, I fell in love with it. There was something about the energy here. I asked you to rent it to me but you declined. I hope you won’t this time?”
“I still don’t understand.”
“Rory, Lizzy—you guys are the first people I am telling this to. I left Insurrection and now I’m going to embark on a solo career.” His eyes gleamed. He is so happy, like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.
“Arsen!” Rory embraced him. “This is amazing. This is the best decision that you could’ve made.”
“About time, right? No more fights, no more unhappiness, and no more world tours. I might be starting from scratch again, but it’s better than working with someone who I can’t respect. ”
“Yes. That jackass does not deserve to even be in the same room as you,” Lizzy said, referring to Mickey.
“So Rory, can I…”
“Of course, Arsen.” She rushed to kiss him, not giving a damn that Lizzy was right next to them. “You can stay here as long as you’d like.”
“What if I never leave?” He winked.
“Even better!” she smiled.
As Rory carried the food from the kitchen to the drawing room, she saw Arsen and Lizzy setting the dinner table. This was her life now. A new art studio, a new life of financial freedom, and most of all—her own Prince Charming. The kind of love that happens in movies.
This is my family now, Rory smiled. She couldn’t believe that Arsen was here to stay. The idea of waking up next to him, the idea of spending nights in his arms, excited her beyond belief. This was just the first of the many more amazing days to come. The table was set and Rory had filled up their glasses with wine.
“Cheers to you two amazing ladies,” Arsen said as he raised his glass.
“To all of us,” Rory joined in.
“But most of all, cheers to Rory and Arsen. Finally!” Lizzy exclaimed, and they all laughed.
“Bon appetit,” said Rory and they all dug in to their plates.
The sounds of plates and knives faded into the background as the rain, in its typically loud fashion, started pouring down on the beautiful island of Montcove.