Page 26 of High Voltage
He still didn't speak, but she didn't press him. She sensed he needed a minute to process her acceptance. And in that instant, Serena knew they were destined to be together.
It was all so clear to her! Here were two people, struggling to find their place in the crazy world of relationships, needing someone to see them for exactly who they were and what they were. The virgin and the werewolf. It was a wild notion, yes. But then again ... was it really?
Hadn't Garrett said last night that wolves mated for life? And hadn't she been waiting all this time—twenty-seven really long years!—to find the man she belonged with? The man who'd accept all of her idiosyncrocies and all the bizarre shit that always happened to her?
She knew Garrett was that man. They'd both been looking for each other and they'd finally found each other.
"Garrett?” she asked, feeling breathless all over again.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
She nibbled her lower lip for a moment, not having the slightest idea what she wanted to say to him, but knowing there was something brewing in her heart that she had to share with him.
A few quiet moments slid by. Then she said, “I just really want you to understand that I am okay with the other stuff. I don't know anything about it, but ... I know you."
He let out a low sigh—of relief, she was sure. “I know it's complicated and confusing. But the man you met last night, Serena—the man you made love with last night—is the man I am."
She nodded, even though he couldn't see the gesture. “I've got my own personal quirkiness going on,” she said.
He chuckled. “Makes you even more adorable. And so much less threatening when you're pressing the tip of a tire iron to my heart."
"Yeah, I know, you were amused. But don't fuck with me,” she teased.
"Well, now wait a minute."
"I meant...” Her words trailed off as she let out a laugh. “Oh, hell. You know what I meant."
"Yeah. And trust me, I hope like hell I never run into you in a dark alley."
"I did take Jujitsu in college."
"I'll remember that.” He was silent once again, then added, “You're safe, Serena. From now on."
The thought was comforting and welcome. “I feel safe."
"I'm glad."
"Okay.” She let out a long breath. “I'll see you at seven."
"I can't wait."
She clicked the disconnect button, instinctively knowing that, if she didn't, they'd remain on the line with each other for much longer. And they both had work to do.
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High Voltage: Chapter 11
Garrett stepped into the boardroom, situated in the back of the wing designated for executive offices at the Silver Mountain Ski Lodge. Gathered around the large, polished, maple-wood conference table were the leaders of the wolf packs that inhabited Silver and the surrounding areas. They prowled most of Wyoming, in fact. Twelve men sat in the oversized burgundy leather chairs, looking as characteristic to their surroundings as they were.
Those who operated within the urban environment wore suits and looked as astute and professional as any businessman. No one would ever guess their true nature. Five others, who were more prone to spend their time in the rural areas, staking their claim in the rugged terrain of Wyoming mountain ranges, were dressed more casually. They wore jeans and flannel shirts. Except for Braedan, who paired a black T-shirt with his black jeans. His coloring was indicative of his wolf form. His hair was a grayish-silver color, though at thirty-six, Braedan was no more than five years Garrett's senior.
Garrett crossed the vast room and took his place near the end of the table. It was a steadfast rule that no pack leader occupy a chair at the head of Garrett's conference table. The leaders of the packs were sworn equals ... though sometimes, the lines got a little fuzzy. Garrett knew this would be one of those times.
Slipping into his chair, he cleared his throat and said, “Thank you all for coming on such short notice."
Sometimes, Garrett thought the packs were run like the mafia. There were dons, the leaders or alphas within the pack. The underbosses, which were the second-in-command, beta types. And the capos or omegas. The soldiers were the other wolves in the pack that didn't really rank. But they did most of the dirty work. The labor, as Braedan referred to them.
Garrett's pack pursued viable, legal new business development opportunities. Braedan's pack, however, took what they wanted, no matter what the cost.