Page 27 of High Voltage
But Garrett had struck first this time. He'd claimed Serena, and now he had to answer to Braedan and the rest of the leaders.
Not that he intended to kowtow to any of them. And they knew it. Looking around the table, they all appeared as though they'd rather be anywhere but here, caught in the middle of a territorial war.
"The issue is a simple one,” Malcolm, the oldest of the leaders said. “Garrett selected his mate and he solidified their future. I don't see cause for discussion on the matter."
"He poached on my territory,” Braedan said in a low, menacing tone. He cast a dark look in Garrett's direction. “We have rules against that."
"You're not one to quibble over rules,” Garrett reminded him. “You set your own. Which makes you an outsider at this Council. Yet, because you are a leader of one of the largest packs in the state, we allow you to sit at our table.” It was a bold move for Garrett to make, but he had to stand his ground.
For a moment, the room was silent. Not a whisper of breath penetrated the tension that suddenly permeated the air. For such a cavernous room, it instantly felt small and stifling.
Garrett's gaze met Braedan's and held. He wouldn't back down. He'd wanted Serena from the moment he'd seen her, and he wouldn't let her go. Only she could break their bond. Braedan would never come between them. Unless he killed Garrett. And there was no way in hell Garrett would let that happen, for if it came to be, Serena would fall into Braedan's hands.
Garrett wouldn't stand for that.
"I agree with Malcolm,” another Council member said. His gaze shifted to Garrett. “We all appreciate that you brought this issue before us, Garrett. It demonstrates your dedication to the Council and your responsible nature. We a
lso know that you would never put the Council in an awkward position by splitting it. Bringing forth this situation allows us all to voice our opinions and ensure we are all of like mind on where we stand."
"Unity is how we survive,” Garrett said, giving Braedan a pointed look. His nemesis merely scoffed and looked away.
"I say there's no need for discussion or debate,” Malcolm added. “Garrett has claimed his mate. It stands at that."
"Now wait just a minute,” Braedan interjected. But Malcolm cut him off, silencing him with a look.
"We have more important matters to be concerned about,” the elder said. “So unless you've got another issue to bring forward to the Council, this meeting is adjourned."
The remainder of the pack leaders at the table nodded in concurrence.
Garrett contained his smug smile. He'd known they would side with him. When it came to love and selecting a mate for life, they all knew the power of the innate pull. They all knew that Garrett felt it, and that Braedan simply wanted another conquest. He was unlike the rest of them in so many ways, including his belief on mating for life. Braedan preferred the thrill of the chase ... and the sweet taste of surrender. Had he won over Serena last night, he would have discarded her this morning.
And had he not won her over...
He would have taken her by force.
The thought made Garrett's fists clench at his sides. His jaw tightened. As Braedan's amber gaze connected with his and they literally stared each other down right in front of the Council, Garrett knew this battle wasn't over. But it was no longer a matter that involved those sitting around the table. What now existed between Garrett and Braedan was a challenge—issued by Braedan with just a look.
As the room began to clear, both Garrett and Braedan stood their ground, at opposite corners, and waited for the Council members to depart.
When they were the only two left in the room, Braedan said, “This isn't over."
"Don't be foolish.” Garrett's tone was neither patronizing nor intimidating. He spoke matter-of-factly, silently stating the obvious. He and Serena had connected last night in a far more powerful way than Garrett had hoped for—they bonded on a level that went far beyond physical pleasure. They belonged to each other. It was destined to be. And the Council had sided with Garrett. Partly because they knew Braedan was not trustworthy or deserving of a mate. He'd never treated his women well, and they all knew Serena would be no different.
But the Council also knew Braedan had likely set his sights on Serena because Garrett had. Their rivalry was legendary. Whatever Garrett had, Braedan wanted.
Garrett had the cards stacked in his favor, though, and as he'd said, Braedan would be a fool to think otherwise.
Yet Garrett didn't underestimate his adversary. Nor did he have any delusions that Braedan would let this slight go. Whether Braedan posed a threat against just him or Serena, as well, he didn't know. But Garrett had sworn to her that she was safe, that he would protect her. And Garrett was not a man to go back on his word or fall short of his duty. He wouldn't let anyone harm her.
"You had Clarissa,” Braedan said, his jaw tight, his chest lifting and falling with his quick heartbeat. “And I didn't interfere. But this time...” His amber eyes narrowed. “I won't be so forgiving."
His gaze remained locked with Garrett's a moment longer. Then he stalked from the room, leaving Garrett with a knot in his gut.
* * * *
Serena stepped into the palatial foyer of the Silver Lake Ski Lodge, which looked more representative of a posh resort in Aspen than a local ski-town lodge in Wyoming. Despite its size, the enormous reception area managed to look cozy and inviting. A tall fireplace, framed by smooth, polished river rock, commanded attention as it stood sentinel in the center of the room, its hearth opened on both sides to maximize guests’ enjoyment of the warmth it emitted. Rich burgundy leather sofas were situated throughout the lobby and in front of the roaring blaze. Matching oversize chairs were scattered about the area. Coffee and end tables in a deep mahogany added to the living room-like setting.
Overhead, beautiful crystal chandeliers hung from the tall ceilings. The hardwood floor was buffed to a glossy sheen and covered, in some areas, by plush rugs.