Page 83 of Shared
His head whipped around, just as I stepped to his other side. I grabbed him by the back of his belt with one hand and snatched the phone from his pocket with the other.
“What the—”
He saw me, but recognition didn’t dawn until a few seconds later. As soon as it did, his whole expression changed.
“Oh, it’s one of you assholes,” he smirked. “That fucking figures.” Garrett finished urinating and zipped up before turning around. “If you think taking my phone is gonna stop me from spreading those photos,” he laughed, “you’re pretty much—”
There was a sharp metal ‘CLACK’, and then a stall door opened. Brandon stepped out. He had one hand balled into a fist. His eyes were murderous.
Garrett tried stepping toward the door, but I was already there. I flipped the lock on it.
“You morons,” he laughed. There was a nervous edge to his laugher though. “She must be really be giving it to you good if you’ve been waiting here in this bathroom for me all this time.”
Brandon snarled and stepped forward. I placed a constraining hand on his chest.
“You took the photos,” I replied. “You were there. If anyone was giving it good to anybody, it was us.”
Garrett glanced at the door again. Probably trying to figure out if he could make it.
“The first mistake you made,” I said, “was fucking with Claudia.”
He sized up Brandon for the first time and I saw his confidence waver a little. But only slightly.
“Fuck Claudia.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. Apparently he still thought he had the upper hand.
“The second mistake—”
Brandon moved so fast I barely saw more than a blur. He shoved Garrett into the wall with terrifying force, rattling the electronic hand dryer so hard it almost fell down.
“The second mistake you made was fucking with us,” he growled into Garrett’s face.
I saw the panic in his eyes, but it faded quickly. Either he really was brave, or he was putting on a good show.
“What are you gonna do?” Garrett’s lips curled into a wry smile. “Beat me up?”
Brandon’s forearm went across the man’s chest. He leaned forward, pressing down so hard I could her the air hissing its way out of Garrett’s lungs.
“Easy…” I murmured, stepping in.
“I could scream right now,” choked Garrett. “Get the manager to call to the police. Have you both arrested for assault, and for stealing my phone, and—”
Three small knocks at the door interrupted him. I unlocked it, opened it quickly, and let in Colin… and Claudia.
Garrett shook his head when he saw his ex. “And here I thought you really wanted to come back,” he snarled. “I should’ve known better. I should’ve figured it out the moment you—”
Claudia’s voice was loud and clear and full of venom. “You don’t get to tell me anything anymore, you fucking stalker.”
She took the phone from me, and punched in his old passcode. It must’ve worked, because she nodded.
“She’s right,” said Colin. “You don’t get to talk. You get to listen.”
Brandon eased up, but only slightly. Just enough for Garrett to breathe again.