Page 84 of Shared
“We’re wiping your phone,” said Colin. “And you won’t get it back. Report it lost, stolen, do whatever you want. Those pictures are ours now.”
Garrett rubbed at his chest and laughed. “You don’t think I transferred them first?” he grunted. “Onto my computer?”
“Sure you did,” said Claudia. “You always do. You keep detailed folders,” she went on. “When it comes to your phone, you’re meticulous like that.”
Colin nodded. “Conveniently enough, Claudia knew where to find those folders,” he said. “And there were lots of folders, too, Garrett. Some of them containing some very interesting stuff…”
Garrett froze. I could see the look in his eyes change. He still didn’t believe us, though. Still didn’t know for sure.
“I didn’t see everything,” Colin added casually, “but I got a long enough look. Especially at your emails. The ones where you’re talking with Rick and Michael about that thing at work.”
Garrett’s mouth opened, then closed again slowly. He didn’t say anything, so Colin reached out and poked him.
“You know what I’m talking about, right? The little project you’ve been doing with all the boss’s materials? Charging things on your boss’s card? That project?”
Garret’s gaze dropped. He stared at the bathroom floor.
“Not to mention the email and text conversations you’ve had about you boss. Any of which would get you fired on the spot. No pension, no severance, no—”
“You searched my computer?” Garret finally exclaimed. “You broke into my HOUSE?”
Colin shrugged. “It’s not really breaking in if you have the key,” he said, looking around. “Is it?”
“Pretty sure it isn’t,” I smiled.
“Fuck no,” agreed Brandon.
Garret’s gaze shot to Claudia, who only smiled and shrugged. “You really should’ve changed the locks…”
“That’s breakup 101,” Brandon chimed in. He smacked our antagonist in the chest with the back of his hand. “You fuckhead.”
“Anywayyyy,” Colin said, “back to the folders. Not only did I find and delete your little photo-shoot from our backyard, I also found some other… stuff.”
Colin looked him straight in the eye as he said that last word. Something passed between them that was dark. Very ominous. I watched as Garrett went stark white.
“Y—You took files from my computer?”
“Oh no,” said Colin simply.
Garrett’s shoulders slumped in relief. But only until—
“I took your whole computer.”
The room went dead silent — so much that you could hear a pin drop. At that exact moment, someone knocked on the door, probably to use the bathroom. We all just about jumped out of our skin.
“CLOSED FOR CLEANING!” Brandon yelled.
Garrett’s face was ashen grey. His posture was slumped and low. He looked tiny, now. Insignificant.
Best of all he looked terrified.
“So what’s it gonna be, Garrett?” I asked. “Do you leave Claudia the hell alone for, oh I don’t know… the rest of her fucking life?”
He nodded quickly. Immediately.
“Or do we take what’s on this computer and… well… Colin?”
Colin smiled broadly. I could tell he was thoroughly enjoying this.