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“Don’t be,” Lauren told her. She felt suddenly foolish for even mentioning such a thing. “I’m just messing around. We were only kids. What was that anyway, fifth grade?”
“Fourth, I think.”
“Exactly.” She stared back at Jenna. Halfway through her wedding, she was still perfectly gorgeous in her bridal gown. “The only thing that matters is you and Logan. He’s awesome, honey. You did so good.”
Jenna’s eyes welled up with tears. She hugged her, then put her lips up against Lauren’s ear.
“Did he tell you?”
She shook her head. “No. He said something, but—”
“We made new arrangements,” said Jenna excitedly. “Instead of staying here tonight and tomorrow, we’re flying out a day early. We’re stopping somewhere else before Italy. Somewhere really cool.”
Lauren’s heart sank. Her friends would be gone before she was! Not that it mattered, really. She worked on keeping the disappointment from her expression.
“That’s great,” she eventually smiled back. “What kind of—”
She was stopped abruptly as Jenna placed a finger gently against her lips. “Shhh. No one can know.” She looked around suspiciously. “And I wasn’t finished, either. We’re leaving tonight. In just a couple of hours, in fact.”
The bride’s eyes flashed bright with excitement.
“And we want you to come with us.”
Jenna’s words didn’t register right away. Lauren’s brows came together in total confusion.
“Come where?”
“Come with us!”
“You mean on your honeymoon?”
“Yes!” Jenna beamed. She looked as excited as a kid on Christmas. “To Finland first, and every place after that! And you can’t say no, because we already got you tickets. All you have to do is pack.”
Lauren still didn’t understand. Finland? That hadn’t been part of the equation at all. And going with them? On their honeymoon?
It was a sweet gesture, and she knew why Jenna was doing it. But it just wasn’t a good idea.
“Oh honey, thank you,” she said sweetly. “But I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
Jenna looked absolutely crestfallen. “And why not?”
“Because it’s your honeymoon!” Lauren cried, and just a bit too loudly. She looked around nervously before delivering her best, placating smile. “This trip is for you, Jenna. You and your husband. You’re touring Europe together! It’s going to be the most romantic thing the two of you ever—”
“It’ll still be my honeymoon,” she offered. “It’ll still be romantic.”
Lauren chuckled. “Not with me there, acting as a third wheel.”
“But you won’t be,” Jenna pressed. “Logan and I talked about it and we’re both in total agreement. We want you to come with us! To do everything we do, to see everything we see. To experience Europe with us, the way you were going to before… well, you know.”
Her friend nestled in closer, until Jenna’s chin rested on her shoulder. Her lips were only inches from Lauren’s ear.
“I won’t take no,” she whispered hotly. “And Logan won’t either.”
“Jenna, I—”
Shivers rocketed down Lauren’s body as her friend nibbled playfully on her earlobe. But was it playful? She could feel the exquisite heat of Jenna’s warm breath on her neck.