Page 99 of Shared
“My husband and I have our whole lives to be together,” she breathed. “We can travel anytime we want to. This is just one trip, sweetie. And yes, it’s special, because it’s our honeymoon. But it’ll be twice as special if you’re there with us. My best friend…”
“Yes but—”
She pulled back to look Lauren in the face. “Our best friend...”
Jenna’s eyes bored into her own. There was a fire there, a love for her that had always burned, as both a friend and
beyond. Lauren had seen this look before. It always came at times when Jenna simply wouldn’t be denied.
“We’ll be in Finland for a day and a night,” she went on. “Fly out with us. Enjoy it with Logan and I.”
The arm around her waist slid downward. It cupped her ass, and Lauren jumped.
“If you still want to go home after that,” Jenna said, “then okay. We’ll change your tickets. But at least spend a little of my honeymoon with me.” She sighed, adorably. “You’re my best friend in the whole world, Lauren. And besides, I did kind of screw you on our pact…”
Lauren shook her head as they swayed to the music. “Oh please,” she said. “Of course you didn’t. That was just a silly—”
Jenna gave her ass a gentle squeeze. She leaned in so close that their lips were almost touching. And Lauren could smell her too. Eyes closed, she inhaled the sweet, musky scent of Jenna’s body. Of sweat mixed with perfume…
“Be in our room,” Jenna whispered. “Two O’Clock.”
Lauren swallowed dryly. It seemed suddenly plausible. Amazing, even. Surely she could spend a day or two with them, her two best friends? How memorable would it be to see part of Jenna’s honeymoon… then fly home with the knowledge she’s sharing the rest with her husband?
Could she?
“Honey, I—”
The song ended. Her friend released her and stood back with a smile.
“Two O’Clock,” Jenna said again.
The crowd surged forward, surrounding the bride. She threw Lauren one last meaningful look, and then she was gone.
Only an hour later, Lauren stood before the bridal suite door. The hallways were silent and deserted. She knocked softly.
No answer.
“Jenna?” she half whispered, half called out loud. She knocked again, this time more loudly.
I can’t believe I’m doing this.
She’d spent a good half hour on the edge of her bed, just sitting there staring at the wall. Then she’d packed, neatly and quickly, her decision finally made.
A noise rattled her as she stood out in the hallway. People, coming up from an adjacent corridor. More of the bridal party, probably. They’d be wondering why she was here.
The sounds of voices grew louder, and now Lauren could hear giggling. She knocked again, this time louder.
Lauren felt exposed and foolish, standing before the big oaken door. Her will was breaking.
Maybe I should go. Maybe I should just forget the whole—
She tried the knob.