Page 51 of Courting Kit
Kitty had been clothed in a morning gown of pale green, its heart-shaped bodice trimmed with a single flounce of cream-colored lace.
She stared at herself in the looking glass, at the bouncing curls, which cascaded from the top of her head to the middle of her back, and then down to the matching slippers. She thought she looked like a fairy princess. “Oh my … is that really me, or have you done something magical to my mirror?”
Nanny and Mrs. Wilson laughed, and Nanny said, “That is you. It has always been you, child, hidden beneath your country dirt.”
“Nanny!” Kitty objected. “Dirt, indeed …”
Thus, it was with some glee and self-confidence Kitty entered the breakfast room a few moments later and saw the earl. She felt her entire world come to life as their eyes met.
* * *
The earl actually froze in place. He couldn’t tear his gaze away. He was momentarily bereft of thought and speech.
He already thought Kitty the most beautiful woman in the world … now, he was thunderstruck by the vision she presented. What was he going to do? He already wanted her to the point where he thought he might have to take up residence in his bachelor quarters and avoid being so near to her. Could he? Could he stay away from her?
He jumped to his feet, still staring at the way her gown hugged her perfect body, and this brought to mind the feel of her full breast in his hand. He would go mad if he didn’t stop thinking along those lines.
Yes, her gown suited her, and all he wanted to do was rip it o
ff, lay her down, and drive himself deep inside her. He wanted to possess her, every inch of her. He wanted … damn, what was wrong with him? He could never do that to her—he didn’t want to be married, and Kitty deserved to have everything, not just a part of him.
“Kitty,” he said breathlessly as he found his voice and rose to pull out a chair beside his own. “Allow me to say you are going to break hearts this Season, and what a charming gown. The color suits you.” He smiled at his grandmother, already seated across from him. “No doubt we have you to thank for her transformation.”
Kitty’s green eyes blazed at him. “Transformation? What then, was I an ugly duckling incapable of picking out a stylish gown?”
Minnie inclined her head. “Odd, that my charming grandson should start a conversation with such an unhandsome remark. So unlike you, Brandon. Besides that, Kitty was the one who chose this gown and quite a number of them. I saw at once that she has an eye and allowed her to use it.”
“Well … I did not mean …” The earl started to fumble. What was wrong with him? Why was he always saying the wrong thing to Kitty? Women never set him at odds with himself. This one was driving him mad. His body wanted her. His mind was full with her. His heart … ah, his heart was becoming all too attached. It had to stop. Was he trying to pick a fight with her? Was that it? Did he want her to dislike him and keep him at a distance because he was unable to do so himself?
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his grandmother looking at him with an odd expression on her face. What now?
“Brandon, sit, and pass the salt,” the dowager said taking control of the situation.
“Living in the country, you know, I think, gives a woman an eye for color and expands the senses,” Kitty said, sitting straight up.
“I am very certain you are quite right, my dear,” the dowager agreed.
“Does it?” the earl controlled himself from snapping. “Indeed then, expands the senses and dulls one’s—”
“Brandon,” his grandmother said sharply. “The salt, please, and while you are at it … one of those pastries.”
“Dulls the what?” Kitty demanded. “What does the country dull, my lord?”
“Tension,” the dowager said, putting a firm end to this line of conversation. “Now, Kitty, here are your eggs. We have a busy morning, so do please eat.”
The dowager proceeded to chatter about innocuous gossip.
The earl knew what his grandmother was about and chimed in, as he was acquainted with the nobles she was laughing about. He was, in fact, momentarily diverted to hear about their foibles.
“You are a wonder. I don’t know how you keep up with it all.” The earl laughed and threw her a kiss across the table.
She gave him a secretive smile and said, “What news have you for me?”
“As a matter of fact, I ran into your friend Henry Cope. He has just arrived in London from Brighton, and the sea air has not faded his wondrous array of colors,” the earl said on a chuckle. “He is as dazzling as ever. Sent all his fondest wishes to you, Minnie.”
“Henry? What a silly fellow. Where did you find him?”
“At White’s,” said the earl, glancing towards Kitty. “That is a gentleman’s club.”