Page 52 of Courting Kit
“Yes, I have heard of it. We are not without news,” Kitty said, chin up.
He laughed at her. “No doubt my uncle often visited there when he used to stay in London.”
“Yes, he did and spoke of it quite fondly, in fact. White’s was one of the places he loved in London.”
Minnie leaned into Kitty and said, “The man Brandon is speaking of is better known as The Green Man, as that is his favorite color. He wears it often and in many shades.”
“Faith,” said Kitty, eyebrows up.
“And paints his face,” the earl said and grimaced. “I’ve also been told that he tries to eat only green vegetables and fruits.”
“Oh, why, that is absurd.” Kitty giggled.
“Yes, all for show and the attention it derives him,” the earl answered, looking at her and feeling as though his heart were twice its size. She was all that was good and beautiful, and he wanted to drop a kiss on her lips …
Danvers appeared and announced, “Lord Petersham.”
“Darling!” the dowager exclaimed and put both hands out though she remained seated.
The earl turned to smile at the middle-aged gentleman coming towards them.
He stopped by the dowager to take her extended hands and drop a kiss on both sets of knuckles. “Minnie, your people told me you were in the middle of breakfast but, I told them I would join you.”
The dowager motioned to the serving girl standing near the buffet table. “Bring his lordship some coffee, please, Bess, that is such a dear.” She turned back to her guest. “Sit beside me and give me your news. It has been an age.” She inclined her head towards the earl. “Of course you are acquainted with my grandson Brandon.”
The two men exchanged a greeting, and she said, “And this beauty is my grandson’s ward, Kitty Kingsley.”
He brought his eyes round to stare absolutely open-mouthed at Kitty before he said, “My word.”
The dowager nodded proudly. “Indeed.”
The earl’s brows drew together. All the world would now be told that the Earl of Halloway’s ward was a diamond. It was what they wanted, wasn’t it? All the ton would be at her feet … and she would receive marriage proposals …
That was what he wanted. Wasn’t it? The sooner the better? And if it was what he wanted, why the hell did he feel as though he were choking with rage at the notion?
* * *
“Charmed, my dear,” said Petersham, bending over Kitty’s hand.
Kitty smiled sweetly and motioned for him to be seated, which he did. He took out a lovely blue snuffbox, and Kitty, who had learned a great deal from her Uncle Edwin about snuffboxes, said, “Oh, that is lovely, my lord, and exactly matches your coat. My late guardian had a marvelous collection of De Louves snuffboxes.”
“De Louves, you say?” Petersham’s eyes were intent as he stared at her, and she opened her own eyes wide at his fevered response. “Never say so! Why, a De Louves is almost impossible to find. I have seen but two over the years.”
Kitty stalled the giggle in her throat. “Really? Well, I have one that Uncle Edwin gave me as a keepsake some years ago. Would you like to see it?”
Petersham breathed hard for a moment. “Indeed, my sweet Miss Kingsley. If it is not too much trouble.”
Kitty immediately rose from the table. “I will only be a moment.” She hurried from the room even as both the earl and Petersham moved to stand.
She found Nanny on her way up the stairs, and the older woman immediately began chattering about liking Cook so very much and having just had the most wonderful tea with Cook in the kitchen. She laughed and said, “Then you are happy here, Nanny?”
“Yes, dear, so very comfortable. Where are you off to?”
“To get Uncle Edwin’s snuffbox and quite make Lord Petersham’s day. So nice to be able to please him, as he is a good friend of the dowager’s.”
Later, after Petersham had left them, the dowager took Kitty’s hands and said, “My darling. Do you know what you have just accomplished in the twinkle of a moment?”
“No, what?” Kitty laughed.