Page 10 of Torment (Craving 2)
“Would you two stuff it,” Jeremy said. “We have trouble.”
Beyland stood, his black cape billowing in the wind, and he looked more like an ancient vampire than a warlock. He was physically impressive. I don’t know why I imagined he would be smaller…because here he was, larger than life.
I was struck immediately by the fact that there was no denying that he was a beautiful male. I had expected him to have black hair and dark eyes, but he was a blond with bright green eyes. He was tall and masculine, and his expression held a look of disdain.
He called out, “Bobbie Skye…I ask for a meeting.”
Devin beat at the wall. “Nae, lass…dinnae agree.”
I started for the door. Jeremy put a hand on my arm. “No. Bobbie, don’t be stupid.”
I shrugged. “They are trapped on the other side of the Blood Ward. I’ll be fine.”
“No,” Jeremy said, and tugged me back.
“What is the harm in meeting and discussing the situation? No harm in words. He wants a meeting. This could actually be good,” I said. “Let me just see what he means to offer us.” I shrugged loose from Jeremy’s hold and opened the door, although I didn’t step outside. No sense in being cocky.
The Dark Warlock inclined his handsome head and said, “So, you are Lisa’s granddaughter.”
I was shocked. “You knew my grandmother?”
“I knew her…well,” he said, and his voice was clipped. “You have her flaming red hair, and her perfect mouth,” he said softly.
I didn’t like the sound of that. “You were my grandmother’s friend?”
“Indeed, we were friends for many years. I was there for her when your grandfather died in the war, on the other side…we are, you see, from the same realm,” he said in a tone that made me nervous. What was he implying?
“What do you want, Beyland?” Jeremy stuck in.
“And you are Jeremy Ascot. I was not acquainted with your family, though I had heard they fought and died bravely for the cause,” Beyland said in an odd voice.
“What the hell? Are you saying we are all from the same realm?”
“Your family…he and his family, yes,” Beyland confirmed.
“That is why the word Shama…clicked in my head,” Jeremy mused out loud.
“It is interesting, isn’t it,” the warlock said matter-of-factly.
Mrs. Tunny and Davis stepped up behind us in the hallway and I realized they couldn’t see the Dark Warlock or the demons when Mrs. Tunny asked, “Who are ye talking to?”
No doubt Beyland had cloaked himself and his demons in invisibility. I didn’t quite have the cloaking spell mastered. Oh, I could enact it, but couldn’t maintain it for very long.
I answered her by asking, “What are you doing, Mrs. Tunny?”
She looked surprised. “Why…going home. We always leave at this hour…before nightfall.”
“No, not today, at least not right now,” Jeremy said. “I think you should stay the night.”
Davis pushed past us. Mrs. Tunny did the same. “Nonsense,” she said as they hurried down the steps.
“No,” I said. “You can’t.” I chased after them and took her arm.
“Don’t be silly, miss.” Mrs. Tunny shrugged off my hold. “Now stop this.” She took Davis’ hand and they started to jog towards their car.
Jeremy grabbed Davis’ sleeve and held him in place.
Mrs. Tunny was nearly at the edge of the Blood Ward. She turned to stare at me with a puzzled expression. I reached for her again and she said, “What has gotten into you two?”