Page 9 of Torment (Craving 2)
We followed Mrs. Tunny and Davis inside.
Davis only grunted a good morning to us as he went in and Jeremy and I exchanged a glance, which did, in fact, make me burst out laughing. Jeremy pushed me and gave me an eye, so I bent over rollicking of course.
“Come on, giggle girl, we still have work to do,” he said.
We had de
cided to Blood Ward both of our bedrooms, the library, and a few other rooms we might need to use as sanctuary should anything go wrong and a supernatural of some kind managed to enter. We weren’t sure these wards would keep Allora out, but at least it would keep out Demons and other supernaturals who didn’t need invitations to enter the house and might find a way in from the roof. The roof was something we would tackle tomorrow, Jeremy said.
Now that we knew a Dark Warlock was part of the army Allora was gathering, we would have to be especially careful. I wasn’t sure if it was the Dark Warlock or Ramon that had called on the Red Demon to attack me the other day, but it was a sign that they had a whole lot going for them.
Also, I wasn’t sure if Allora knew who Jeremy and I actually were when she faced us a couple nights ago. By now, she could have discovered the truth, though I hoped not, as I needed more time to work on my skills.
The next time she came at us, she would be prepared. We would have to be as well.
~Three ~
I stood at my bedroom window talking to my Aunt Elle on my cell. We were just saying toodaloo (she loves that word—says it is not a real good-bye), and I turned and saw him standing at our realm barrier with a worried look on his face.
I had just told a ‘white lie’ to my aunt, assuring her everything was wonderful and that I was fine. I knew she hadn’t been totally convinced and she would call me tomorrow and interrogate me. So I was preoccupied when I answered, “Yeah?”
“Coom to me, stay on this side with me…now,” Devin urged.
I wanted to. I felt empty here without him at my side, without being able to touch him. “No, there is a good chance Allora might try something tonight. It has been all too quiet and I can’t, won’t leave him to face her alone,” I answered. “How, by any scope of the imagination, would that be right?”
“Jeremy can take care of himself,” Devin answered.
“He can do a better job of it with me here to help, and…what was that?” I had heard a loud boom, like a car backfiring.
“Stay here,” Devin said. “I’ll see…”
So, of course, I poofed into the Great Hall and met Jeremy, who had rushed out from the library.
“You heard that, too?” he said.
“Er…duh,” I answered.
He grinned. “Don’t ‘duh’ me.”
I looked out the window from the Great Hall, as it overlooked the front portico and part of the courtyard. What met our gazes was a most unpleasant sight.
Oh yeah, we saw them clear as could be.
Three demons…Red Demons to be exact. They had attempted to walk up to the front doors of the Keep and had been blown backwards by our Blood Wards. Well, that was good…no, it was great.
I laughed to see them struggle to stand. One of them saw us looking through the window and shook his ugly, scaly fist at us.
And then he appeared.
“Who is that?” I asked.
“That is the Dark Warlock, Beyland,” Devin said, and added irritably, “dinnae I tell ye to stay in yer room, lass? Why cannae ye never listen?”
“Oh, I listen, but unlike a dog, I don’t obey!” I snapped back.
“Would that I could take ye in m’arms…but I cannae,” he said grimly.