Page 37 of Offensive Behavior
“I want round two.”
Expectations thoroughly exceeded. Best weekend of his life. Hunger could wait. He shut up, but got busy kissing her, using his hands, finding places on her body she liked to be touched, licked, squeezed, sucked. Behind her left ear, her left nipple more than her right, the slope where her neck met her shoulders on both sides.
He rolled them so they were side by side but pressed together, separated by nothing but spit and breath and his best intention not to start round two too soon for her.
“I loved watching you like that, chasing your own pleasure.”
She smoothed a finger over his brow. “Once I’ve finished with you you’ll know how sex works and you never have to feel embarrassed with anyone.”
He grinned at her, fitting his thumb in the dimple on her lower back and splaying his hand over her ass.
She eyed him suspiciously. “What?”
“That gives me a dilemma.”
“Which is?”
“If I’m a good student I’ll learn how to please you. But I don’t want to graduate head of my class.”
“Why not?”
“I’d rather be teacher’s pet. Earn credit for extra classes.”
She tapped his nose; it made him blink. “You aren’t anywhere near graduation yet.”
He shook his head. His best concerned expression. “I’m not. No ma’am, I am most definitely not.”
“You have much still to learn.” She was trying hard not to smile but it was in her cheeks and eyes.
“I’m willing to do anything.”
She snorted, then composed herself. “There’s sex so wild you break something.”
“That would be advanced rodeo sex.” He moved his leg so his knee nudged between hers. “It sounds angry.”
She hung her arm over his shoulder. “No, no, no, grasshopper. A lamp or a bedhead, not a limb. Wild, out of control, hot monkey, bad for the furniture sex shouldn’t be confused with angry sex. Angry sex is take no prisoners.”
“I don’t have any lamps and angry sex sounds bad.”
She played with the ends of his hair. Who’d have thought he’d like that. “But it can be followed by make-up sex.”
“Which sounds good.”
“Very good. Then there’s half-asleep, lazy sex.”
“Mmm. I like the idea of that.” God, if only she’d stay long enough for the novelty of all of this to wear off so he could feel lazy and half asleep about sex.
“There’s the quickie. Every room in the house sex. Role playing. Sex with toys. Sex outside. Landmark sex.
“As in somewhere famous.”
He laughed. “And I was thinking on the back of my bike was adventurous.”
“You have a bike?” She shifted so she was riding his thigh. “Now I’m thinking about sex on the back of your bike.”
There was no helping himself. He palmed her breast, rubbed his thumb over her nipple. “At your disposal.”