Page 38 of Offensive Behavior
“Hold that thought.” She watched his thumb move and her hips twitched. She put her hand to his face, cupped his cheek. “There is sex so tender it makes you never want to let go of that other person.” She pinched his nose, “And sex so funny you can barely hold it together to fuck.” She let go his face but licked across his lips. “Then there’s kinky sex.”
“Wait, you mean like with—no, what do you mean by kinky?”
She met his eyes. “It can get very kinky, but despite being an exotic dancer, I’m not into hanging from the chandelier or wielding a whip.”
“You’re not?”
“So we’re clear.” She frowned. “You sound disappointed.”
/> He plumped her breast. “I’m not.” He dipped his head and kissed her to punctuate his lack of a problem with that. “It’s just the idea of you in black leather with a whip.”
That was said to censor, except she pushed her breast into his hand and gripped the back of his neck.
“You, in anything or nothing, Zarley. I was your biggest fan before, let’s face it, I’m totally your groupie now.”
She laughed. “Well, groupie, kinky for me could be with a blindfold or restraints.”
“Who’s wearing them, you or me?”
“Either. Both. Or it could be sex with a third person.”
Brain freeze without the aid of anything cold. Did she mean another woman? Another man? “Have you had a threesome?”
She pulled away, turned her back but snuggled into him. She already knew he was aroused; he couldn’t not grind that arousal into her ass. “But you’re saying—”
“There’ll be homework.
Talk about leave a man hanging. “Dang. What kind of homework?” Sex homework. How could that be a bad thing?
“You have to work on your fantasies.”
He kissed her shoulder and cupped her breast. It was Sunday sometime in the early afternoon. He was naked. In bed with a glorious woman he’d been obsessed with, who’d been happy to take the lead, initiate him into the world of sex and didn’t make him feel like he was out of sync. He didn’t need a random fantasy. “This—”
“No. This was your start. Now you’re in on the game, I want to hear what you dream about, what would really get you off, but before we get to that, I have an obligation to continue the basic sexual education of Reid.” She tipped her head back to look at him. “I don’t know your last name?”
He kissed Zarley Halveston and wondered how he’d ever been satisfied to know her as simply Lux.
She broke the kiss. “In the continuing sexual education of Reid McGrath, the next lesson is doggie style.”
He groaned and clutched her a little tighter. Zarley on her hands and knees on stage was an impossibly cock-pricking image. He’d never once imagined himself there with her.
“You’re going to need to let me get to up for this to work.”
He hauled her into his body, and in some mad gymnastics move he must have learned from her by osmosis, he flipped Zarley to her hands and knees and knelt behind her.
She turned her head and laughed, then wriggled back and sat over his bent thighs. “I do like an eager student.”
It was an automatic response; his hands simply went to her body, scanning her skin, searching for something that might have changed in the last thirty seconds. Maybe she’d slipped him a drug, fed it to him on her tongue, painted it on his skin with her lips, massaged it into his blood stream with her hands. He couldn’t stop touching her.
She leaned back into him, her head going to his chest. “There are lots of advantages to doggie style.”