Page 42 of Unrequited Love
He paused and blinked at that. When he turned back to look at Mabel, their eyes met. Rather than leave the room, he placed a hand on the doorknob and leaned on it but didn’t open it.
“We really cannot leave Wilhelmina to rule that house alone. Frances has already threatened to quit if she has to take orders off her,” Mabel advised him. “On the other hand, if we planned an extended stay with my cousin, we could stay here until our visit to Sophia was arranged. Then w
e can all go just as soon as Sian is well enough to travel. If you don’t mind us all staying, that is?”
“Of course I don’t,” Ryan replied. “In fact, I insist upon it. If Arthur enjoys Wilhelmina’s company so much, he can keep her company, can’t he? Meantime, I shall arrange for the staff to make up your rooms. I will be back soon.”
Ryan’s gait was almost jaunty as he stalked down the hallway and raced down the main flight of stairs. He lifted his brows when he immediately saw three people hovering uncertainly in the entrance hall. Wilhelmina glared at him but then remembered who he was, and dutifully dipped into a clumsy curtsey. Ryan ignored her and turned to Arthur, who looked pale and drawn but stubbornly resistant to familiarity.
“How is she? I hear that the doctor has been,” Arthur began without preamble.
“Yes. Sian is as well as can be expected under the circumstances.”
“Is she ready to come home?” Arthur looked worriedly at Wilhelmina, who was sizing up a gold embossed vase on a highly polished side table, as if trying to judge its value.
“The doctor has said she isn’t to be moved for the time being. She fell about twenty feet and hit her head and then was out in the rain for some time. It is going to be a miracle if she doesn’t come down with influenza. Right now, she is suffering discomfort from a head injury. The doctor has given her something for the pain, but she has to stay here.” Ryan’s tone was clipped as he gave them the report.
“Is my wife here?”
“Yes. She is with Sian now. You can leave them here. They are more than welcome.”
“We insist on them coming home. They have inveigled themselves on you enough. I am sure if she is carried, Sian won’t be hurt by a little journey back home,” Wilhelmina suddenly interjected. “Her recovery will be that much swifter if she is lying in her own bed, in the safety of her family, don’t you think?”
“No. I don’t think, madam,” Ryan bit out coldly. “I didn’t realise you were a medical expert. The doctor, a medical professional, has said she isn’t to be moved and so she isn’t going to be moved. It is that simple.”
He threw Wilhelmina a dour look and turned back to Arthur. “Mabel will return soon to fetch a few belongings. The doctor has warned that Sian is expected to sleep a lot in the next few days. I have suggested that your daughters should also stay here, not least to keep Mabel company while Sian is sleeping but also to keep Sian company when she does wake up. That way, everybody can stop worrying and Sian can have the peace and quiet she needs but company when she is awake. She will also have a suitable chaperone.”
It wasn’t a question. His tone left Arthur in no doubt that this was Ryan’s house, the people in it were his guests, and he would be the one to decide who stayed and who left. While Sian was under his roof, Arthur had no authority over her.
Arthur opened his mouth to object but, after a quick look at Wilhelmina, nodded. “I thank you for your generosity. I hope they don’t inconvenience you too much. If there is anything I can do, please send for me.”
“I would like to see my fiancé,” Cedrick piped up.
“Sian has assured me that she rejects any engagement ergo nobody is her fiancé,” Ryan argued. “I am afraid that you are not going to upset her by trying to force her to accept you while she is ill. Go home.”
He threw Arthur a dour look and suspected that there was more the man wanted to say but didn’t wait around to find out what it was. He nodded to the footman hovering beside the front door. The liveried footman swung the huge oak door open, effectively giving the guests a good look at the long driveway that they were expected to use.
“I should like to see my daughter, if I may?” Arthur asked, his tone stiff and formal.
Ryan hesitated. He suspected that the older man doubted Sian was truly ill.
“You are welcome to go up, Arthur, but please keep quiet.” He motioned to the footman, who closed the door again. Ryan then pierced Wilhelmina and Cedrick with a dark look. “Stay here.”
Minutes later, Ryan opened the door to Sian’s opulent room and allowed Arthur to enter. He heard Mabel’s gasp and saw her wide, accusing eyes, but merely turned to Arthur.
“As you can see, nobody is lying to you. She is not well enough to be moved.”
The man hovered several feet away from the bed. From his standpoint, Sian looked pale, tired, and very ill. The gash on her forehead looked wickedly painful on her beautiful yet unnaturally pale features. Arthur knew then that it would be cruel to even attempt to move her.
“I thank you for looking after her,” Arthur murmured.
“Someone has to,” Mabel glared. “She wouldn’t be like this if you hadn’t tried to force her into marriage to that oaf of your sister’s.”
“She has to be wed,” Arthur persisted.
“Why? Do you doubt my word when I said I would help you sort out your financial problems?” Ryan challenged, his eyes flashing fire at his one-time friend.
Arthur muttered something and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “You know how bad our financial situation is.”