Page 43 of Unrequited Love
“Well, why are we accommodating guests then? If we cannot afford to keep our own daughters, feeding not just Wilhelmina but that oaf she struts around with is not going to help, is it? I don’t care what you say, Arthur Mullen, you are not going to force any of our daughters into wedlock. Seeing as we are such a burden to you, we are all moving out,” Mabel declared flatly.
“Really,” Arthur snorted disparagingly. “And where are you going to stay? Here?”
He snorted again, as if it was ludicrous to even suggest such a thing, but Ryan folded his arms and leaned a broad shoulder against one of the posts of the bed Sian lay in. At some point during her parent’s argument, Sian had woken up, and lay gazing sleepily at him. Ryan placed a finger over his lips to warn her to let her parents argue, not least because she would learn a thing or two.
“Well, yes, actually. Ryan has kindly agreed to allow us all to stay while Sian recovers. I fully intend to use the time to arrange an extended visit to Sophia. She is more than willing to have us visit, and won’t try to force the girls into marriage while we are there,” Mabel huffed.
“You cannot just pack everything up and go,” Arthur protested.
“Watch me,” Mabel sniffed.
Arthur stared at her as if he had never met her before in his life.
“You might be prepared to do whatever it takes to accommodate your sister, but I am not. I refuse to return to that house with that vile creature in it, and yes, I do mean Wilhelmina. She is not, and I repeat not, going to force Sian or anybody else into marriage. I don’t care what scheme you have cooked up with her or that fop, Cedrick. Sian is not going to be engaged to him. So, if you have put an advertisement in the newspaper, I suggest you remove it because it is not going to happen, and that is final, Arthur Mullens, whether you like it or not.”
Arthur blinked at his wife and lifted his brows. He opened his mouth and lifted a finger but then seemed to realise just how angry his wife was. Being a wise man, most of the time, he knew when to keep his mouth closed and instead, slowly turned to Ryan.
“I take it you are happy with this arrangement?”
Ryan nodded. “I think it is the perfect solution to everybody’s problems right now.”
“My wife running off to see relations is not the perfect solution to any problem.”
“You just don’t want to be stuck in that house with Wilhelmina by yourself. With us there, we bear the brunt of the woman’s bombastic behaviour whereas you hide away in the study and pretend everything is all right. Well, it is not all right. Have you been to see her house to find out if she is telling the truth? Have you paid her bills yet with money we don’t have?”
“Mabel,” Arthur warned.
“Ryan has to know what dire financial difficulty we are in. You cannot lie to him. He is a business partner. If we cannot pay the bills we will have to move and then what? Even if the girls are wed, you will destroy what’s
left of your reputation if it gets out that they were forced into marriage and hate you for it.”
“Do you not think that our financial difficulties might have something to do with why I want them married?” Arthur bit out. “At least married they will still have roofs over their heads. It is something I cannot guarantee anymore.”
“Then get Wilhelmina and that Cedrick out of the house because you cannot afford to keep them either. I think they have leeched enough, don’t you?”
“I have a duty to look after the relations, Mabel. You know that. I am not going to bring shame upon the family by turning my back on her.”
“But you don’t have an open purse. She has an allowance yet always wants more. Why is she not made to stick to the allowance or curb her own appetite for things? Why should we suffer, or your daughters be sold off into marriage, just so she can keep buying dresses she cannot afford, and travel around as if she is aristocracy?”
“You don’t understand,” Arthur growled.
“No. None of us understand. So why don’t you explain it, Arthur?”
“I don’t have to explain anything to you.”
“Yes, you do. This involves me, and I am your wife. If you cannot talk to me, who can you talk to?” Mabel folded her arms and lifted a querulous brow in her husband’s direction.
Arthur truly began to look angry and was shaking when he rounded on his wife.
“I am the master of the house and I shall make the decisions. I am not having any more of this foolishness. Get your things. You are coming home with me. Sian can stay here until she is well enough to travel. She has two days to recover. If she is not at home by then, I shall bloody well come and fetch her myself. What I am not going to do is allow you to make a mockery of this family by thwarting the promised engagement or throwing tantrums like this. Get your things. I shall wait for you downstairs.”
Arthur began to make his way to the door only to realise that Ryan was still in the room. Stopping, he turned around and bowed before resuming his journey to the door.
“Arthur. Sian stays here and so do the ladies. I warn you now that any attempt to remove them forcibly from this property will be viewed as kidnap. They are now under my protection. Seeing as you are financially not in any position to look after any of them, I shall be taking over their care. It is their choice if they go to Sophia’s or not. What I will tell you is that our business will be concluded by the end of business tomorrow, at which point you are on your own. I no longer wish to do business with someone who isn’t prepared to resolve financial problems or seek the help of others if there is a problem. Good business dealings work on co-operation and collaboration. Working with others builds solid investments, and good business practice. Working in isolation will bring the downfall of arrogance and I am not prepared to allow you to financially hinder any business I am connected to. Your private affairs need your attention and I suggest you work on those before you look to venture into any further business investments. Take a sound word of advice from me and find out why Wilhelmina has picked out Cedrick of all people to try to marry Sian off to. Have you asked her that? Is it just because he is the only eligible bachelor she knows, or is there some other hidden reason for her wanting to force through a marriage to him? There is one thing about Wilhelmina that strikes me as odd, it is that she is a very selfish human being who is avaricious, and has little concern for others. I think you should ask yourself why she is so interested in the marital welfare of one of her nieces suddenly. Why now? Whatever for? Has she ever shown any interest in them before?”
When Arthur merely stared at him, Mabel slowly shook her head.
“Then I suggest you concern yourself with what your sister is truly up to before you condemn any of your daughters. Until then, I am taking over the guardianship of your wife and daughters because of your financial plight. Meantime, if you call by here again, make sure you leave Wilhelmina and Cedrick at home where they belong.” Ryan’s made sure he sounded as bored as humanly possible.