Page 3 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
Nicole looked at Slam from the corner of her eye as they walked through his quick tour of the club. He looked about her age, mid twenties. It never hurt to try and make friends in these situations. Time to break the ice. “So, what’s your last name? Is it Merjammer?”
He looked at her and froze, keeping hold of her arm. She thought she’d blown it and was about to apologise but then he burst into laughter. It was a great laugh, more grunty than any she’d ever heard before. She smiled up at him.
“Slammer Jammer! Fuck. Used to love that song. You know what, Nicole? I think your stay here’ll be fucking awesome. Always nice to have new blood knocking around. Warning though bird, few of the guys won’t find your shit funny, especially Prez, so just cool it till you know what’s what.” At her blank look he said, “Reaper is the club president, we call him Prez.” Wow, the guy had as many names as Prince. This was the kind of information she needed to know if she was going to fit in.
He led her to a room, pushed open the tarnished door and walked her in. “Someone’ll be by in the morning to get you. Until then stay in here. Fair warning.” And with that he left, the door closing behind him. No lock on the door…. Fucking perfect. Nicole let out a long sigh.
She turned to take the room in. It was small, clean-ish with a smoke stained ceiling. There was a dresser that had a few drawers missing and a wardrobe with no doors. On the dresser was an old TV. She turned it on, it worked which was great, she’d be able to drown out the noise from the bar if it got too much. The unmade bed looked like a rusty cot but the sheets folded on top were clean. A small door at the back led to a toilet and a tiny sink with a broken mirror above it. Well, at least she had some shank material if she needed it. A box shower was next to the sink and needed some serious elbow grease and bleach to get rid of the mould that lived there. She was pretty sure that Science would like some samples of what was growing in the corners. It didn’t look like any mould she’d ever seen before.
Walking back into the bedroom, she sat on the bed and let her tightly strung body finally relax. Sitting in this dingy room, she missed her apartment terribly. It wasn’t much, but it was hers. Her Father always messed her life up when it started going good. Her job was stable, her apartment wasn’t above a crack den anymore and she’d made a couple of casual friends. She should have expected this sooner, she’d never managed to have all three at the same time before. He was all the family she had ever known, yet wasn’t a family really worth having. Whatever he owed to Fallen she prayed he could pay it back sooner rather than later or she would be walking out of here with no home or job to return to. She wouldn’t hold her breath to be getting out of here in the next few days. Her Dad was the master of excuses and always seemed to take his sweet time settling debts. Probably because paying off one debt meant getting into another. Yep, she’d be with Fallen MC at least a few weeks. On that depressing thought, she let herself fall back onto the bed.
Duke couldn’t believe his eyes. The woman that Slam had just led out of the pit was seriously fucking hot. Legs for miles and the bitch was stacked with full, perky tits pleasing his eyes. She’d got thick, black hair to her waist and the most amazing eyes he’d ever seen. Deep emerald green that seemed to glow in the dim light. When she opened her eyes he’d almost come in his damn pants. He was still hard now. Some bitch was gonna have to sort him out once he got upstairs to the bar.
She intrigued him, there was something different about her that he couldn’t quite pinpoint. She hadn’t sat there a weepy, stuttering mess, frozen in fear or pissing herself, which was more than he could say for most of the men that’d been restrained to a chair in that room. She either had no idea what Fallen was capable of or she had some brass balls hiding in them tight fucking jeans. His eyes were still turned towards the door as if he was waiting for her to come back through, when his attention was snagged.
“What was with that bitch? She didn’t even flinch. Fucking disappointed. I like to think we leave an impression. That bitch just accepted that shit like it happened every fucking day.” Razor, his best friend and real younger brother, blurted out as the door slowly closed. “Jesus, best not leave her around anything sharp, she’s likely to snap at some point!” He laughed and slapped Duke on the shoulder. His brother had a point, it was likely they’d be facing her meltdown at some point in the future. Maybe it was shock that had held her together so well.
“Come on, I need a drink.” Duke led the way to the club bar where a prospect set about getting them their regular.
He let his eyes wander around where most of the brothers were gathered and lit up a smoke. It was a regular night to all be gathered together, everyone having a good time. They were a close brotherhood and he always found the sight of it soothing. Picking up his four fingers of scotch, his mind kept drifting back to Nicole. Fuck. No bitch had kept his attention before and he didn’t like it now. Sure, she was a fine piece of ass but he’d seen and had plenty of hot bitches over the years and they came and went from his mind leaving no trace behind them.