Page 4 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
It was more than likely she’d be a raving, crazy bitch like the rest of them. He’d learned long ago to never look at women and take her at face value, they were never as they first appeared. He’d lost count over the years of how many women seemed loyal, sweet and caring only to find out they were heartless, conniving sluts.
Just then, Slam reappeared. “Fucking bitch is funny as shit. Gonna sink my dick in that once Prez gives the all clear.”
Duke tried to block Slam’s voice from his head and the confusing, almighty need to punch the bastard and break his jaw. She was funny? He didn’t think he’d hear that. He had imagined her to be in her room trying to hold in a panic attack, not shooting the shit with Slam. The brother was a good edition to Fallen and everyone had voted him in with the first round of votes. That rarely happened, it was fun to see a prospect sweat a bit before he was officially patched in.
The volume around him gradually grew as the night wore on and a few club sluts started to circle the groups, hoping to catch a brother’s interest. The smell of stale perfume floated around them, irritating his senses. Why women felt the need to drown themselves in that musky shit Duke could never understand, especially when it tasted so fucking nasty on their skin. Who wants to lick the flavour of vanilla flowers off a bitch’s neck? He needed fresh air.
Outside, he joined the Musketeers, so called because there were three of them. They stuck together, no matter what and they fucked together, no exceptions. Separately they were dangerous. Together they were hell on earth. There was no point asking them to do anything individually because the other two would tag along anyway. He settled his eyes on the fire pit and watched the flames lick against each other.
“Business finished, Duke?” Bones, one of the three asked.
“Yep, bitch secured. You three ride to her apartment at first light, check through the lot and get some of her clothes and stuff together. Got a feeling she’ll be here a couple of weeks with her shit for brains father on the fucking task. Fuck, might be here for months.” The three chuffed at that as Duke pushed away the thought of what could be months of slamming his dick into her dripping, tight pussy. His dick still hadn’t calmed and it was time to sort that out.
He was making his way further into the yard, knowing that he would soon be followed. After only a few metres, the sound of hollow heels quickly making their way towards him put set his teeth on edge, he knew it’d be Helen. The bitch had been trying to be his old lady for over a year and was incapable of taking a hint. When a hint didn’t work, he started to say his rejections outright but it was like she had selective hearing and just ‘chose’ not to hear what she didn’t like. The fact that she’d lasted over a year here was a testament to her sucking skills but she was fucking clueless about everything else and her relentless pursuit of him was pissing him off. She had decided to stay with Fallen rather than return to Spitfire MC when she’d finished being collateral for one of their deals. The bastards took it well considering she had been a regular pussy for them, but he soon found out why. She was clingy, whiney and majorly emotional, yet she sucked like a vacuum and that’s what he needed right now.
He kept walking towards the perimeter fence. He never minded the brothers seeing his activities and Helen, the crazy bitch, liked to think he was showing her off and so put all her effort into it. When he led her someplace quiet she told other bitches it was because he wanted time with just the two of them so he’d put a stop to that. Now he overheard her bragging that he liked to show the other brothers that she was his. You can’t get through to a whacked bitch like that and he couldn’t care less. It was well known he had no intention of owning. If he ever did it wouldn’t be with a bitch who’d sucked nearly every brother here and had a pussy like a wizards’ sleeve.
Bracing by a tree, he opened his pants and pushed her to her knees in front of him. Helen always tried to kiss him first. He wasn’t bothered with kissing, he never saw the point. They should just get down to business as far as he was concerned. This also reinforced the understanding that this was just a fuck, no sweet romance bull shit.
“Oh baby, you’re so full tonight. Been thinking about this for a while?” Helen said in her creepy toddler voice as she rubbed him and licked the pre-come from his tip.
Duke blocked her out and pushed his dick deep into her mouth. That would keep her quiet. He saw she was getting herself off as well. Good, because he sure as fuck wasn’t doing it. He closed his eyes and focused on the sensations flowing through his dick. He pictured emerald green eyes staring up at him, soft, fat lips stretched around his width. Quickly and silently he came, pulled from Helen’s mouth and zipped up. Patting Helen on the head, he took off toward the clubhouse before she could scramble off her knees to follow and went up to his apartment.
One of the perks to being Fallen VP was that he had an apartment on the second floor of the compound. It wasn’t overly big but it suited his needs. The old ladies had kitted it out for him. His bed was huge, he had big, comfy, leather furniture in his living room and a kick ass flat screen TV. It was his space and he didn’t like visitors. He stripped off his clothes, crashed on his bed and relaxed.