Page 30 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
“Like what? That fat bitch was betraying you and we weren’t gonna stand around and let it happen! That bitch should be dead and buried for what she did! Now let me the fuck out!” Her voice screeched like nails on a chalkboard.
“You think you can shout your mouth off at us? Time to be very careful darlin’.” Hollywood shifted so she could see them all. Her face calmed as she laid her eyes on them, especially Prez and Duke. Did she think he and Prez were on her side or something? This bitch was seriously fucked in the head. She was stupid but she’d spent enough time with the club to know when to stop pushing back.
“I’m sorry, I’m just pissed with being in this shit hole for hours.” She held Dukes gaze. She mustn’t have seen the hatred in his eyes or his muscles hardened with tension. “I’m sorry your bitch turned out to be a traitor, honey. I tried to warn you, I’m still here for you, Duke.”
Her voice sounded soft and consoling but he could see a small smirk pull at her lips as she thought she’d won. Something inside his chest ripped open with a ferocity he’d never experienced before. Duke pushed himself from the wall, a battle cry escaping from deep in his chest. He saw nothing but Helen in a haze of red and every fibre of his being was centred on ripping her throat out. He charged forward, only getting a few steps before he was brought to a crushing halt. It took Prez, Razor and Slam to hold him back.
“You’d better get your shit together real quick, Duke or I’ll be throwing your ass out. I gave you an order!” Prez spat out as quietly as he could manage in his ear.
Duke shook his head trying to clear his tunnel vision. He took a deep breath and pictured Nicole unharmed and lying beneath him, smiling that perfect smile of hers straight at him. His body relaxed. He had to hold it together. Prez was right. He needed to see this bitch break. Hands slowly released him and he nodded at his brothers letting them know his control was back.
“What the fuck, Duke? You can’t be mad at me! That bitch betrayed you and if it weren’t for me you’d still be clueless.” Her ugly smug face needed rearranging by his fists. “If you’re upset she can’t fuck you anymore, I’m happy to remind you how she ain’t got nothin’ on me.” She winked. No one could believe what they were seeing. Was she really trying to seduce Duke after what had just happened?
Hollywood grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back against the wall. His patience now none existent, along with everyone else’s in the room. They were done listening to her shit. “Shut the fuck up! We got questions that need answering before you go oiling up that slit between your legs!”
Helen looked furious but quickly schooled her face to look contrite. “Okay. I’m sorry. I guess I’m just upset that she used Duke the way she did and then to bring Riot into this…. I just can’t believe anyone would do that to you guys.” A lone tear rolled down her cheek as she sniffled.
“Enough of your fucking games, Helen. You gonna cry at least make it believable. Fuck! Where is the phone?” Hollywood spat out.
They could all see she was confused by the question. Did she honestly think they wouldn’t want to look at it and get information from it? Or did she think we’d just blindly accept was she was telling us without any questions? No wonder she was trying to snag a brother to look after her, the slut wouldn’t survive a day if she only had herself to rely on.
“Where is the phone you supposedly took from Nicole in this fight?” Hollywood said slowly, drawing it out, each word dripping with condescension.
They watched as her face drained of colour.
“I…I….I left it on the side in the kitchen when w…we took her to the outhouse.”
“It ain’t there now and everywhere has been searched. You wanna try that again?”
“I left in on the side, I promise. Someone must have taken it.”
“Why didn’t you go back for it when you locked up Nicole?”
“Well we were all pretty beat up and had to get everything sorted. After, we went to clean up and get a drink.”
“Okay. If that’s how you’re gonna play it….. Let’s see the marks.”
“What are you talking about? Why are you interrogating me? I saved this club!” Panic was starting to take over her.
“It’s been nearly a day since this happened. If you were all ‘pretty beat up’ you’d have marks. Unless of course, Nicole never touched you, you all just attacked her while she was alone in the kitchen and everything you’ve said is utter bullshit.”
“I haven’t got any marks. I’m not some limp wrist bitch who can’t throw a punch. I know how to fight. That bitch couldn’t get near me.” She sounded as if she thought they’d be impressed.
“Funny, don’t you think that at least one of you sluts would have got a mark on you? But you don’t, not even a scratch.”
“You’ve been to see the other girls first?” She was faltering. “That bitch couldn’t fight for shit! We can hold our own.” Her eyes flicked frantically over each one of them, probably see if they were buying this crap.
“Yeah, I’m sure you can. Especially when it’s five against one. Yeah, you’re real tough bitches.” The sarcasm rolled from Hollywood’s mouth.
“We did what we had to to save this club!”
“From what? The other sluts seem to think it was because you wanted Nicole gone and it had nothing to do with the club. In fact, they didn’t even see Nicole taking a call or the cell phone she was meant to be using.”
“They’re lying to you.” Her face and chest were flushed and she was pressing her body into the wall as if could save her from what she knew was coming.